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Astro+Svelte marketing site for the book Forging Modernity

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Technologies used:

  • Astro (v4)
  • Svelte
  • Leaflet
  • Typescript + Zod
  • Sass
  • Vitest
  • Cypress + Axe
  • pnpm
  • Github Actions (E2E testing) + Husky pre-commit hooks

Dev workflow


  • Cloudflare builds from cloudflare
    • cloudflare branch is protected from push/merge without E2E test passing

Workflow for development:

  1. Pre-commit hooks run on code: all lint runners
  2. Push to master branch
  3. E2E tests run on new code
  4. If passed, branch pushed into cloudflare


  • pnpm dev: Build and serve development version
  • pnpm build: Build to production (outputs to dist folder)
  • pnpm preview: Previews dist folder
  • pnpm serve: Build and serve production
  • pnpm test: Run vitest
  • pnpm test:coverage: Generate coverage reports
  • pnpm test:watch: Run vitest in watch mode
  • pnpm test:debug: Run vitest and allow node-based debugging
  • pnpm test:e2e: Run cypress E2E tests
  • pnpm test:e2e:run: Run cypress on production build
  • pnpm test:e2e:dev: Open cypress dashboard on development build
  • pnpm test:e2e:dev:prod: Open cypress dashboard on production build
  • pnpm cy:run: Run cypress
  • pnpm cy:open: Open cypress dashboard
  • pnpm lint: Run all lint tools
  • pnpm lint:js: Run ESLint
  • pnpm lint:css: Run Stylelint
  • pnpm lint:format: Run prettier in check mode
  • pnpm lint:svelte: Run svelte-check
  • pnpm lint:astro: Run astro check
  • pnpm format: Auto-format using prettier
  • pnpm cloudflare: Script to run as cloudflare that builds and generates public coverage reports
  • pnpm prepare: Prepare husky

Possible improvements

  • Suggestions welcome!

Available for Hire

I'm available for freelance, contracts, and consulting both remotely and in the Hudson Valley, NY (USA) area. Some more about me and what I can do for you.

Feel free to drop me a message at:

hi [a+] zweisolutions {●} com


Code (outside the /src/content, /src/assets, and /public folders) is licensed under MIT

Content underneath the /src/content, /src/assets and /public folders is Copyright 2023-2024 of the author Martin Hutchinson unless otherwise stated, All Rights Reserved.