My dotfiles.
You may reuse and redistribute this without any restrictions. No warranty. However, if you like to you may tell everybody who said something like “wow, i like your config”: “Yeah, that was written by Konstantin (or who ever he stole it from). That guy is freakin’ awesome. Let’s invite him to our party next wednesday.”
Just clone and do “rake install” (or “rake install:irb”).
See irb.png for a screenshot.
My .irbrc only loads files from .config/irb It is optimized for usage with multiple ruby versions (I’m using it for 1.8, 1.9, Rubinius and JRuby). You probably can skip each scripts but myirb.rb and engine.rb. Here is what the scripts do:
Relies on color.rb. If you do not want colors, edit MyIRB.prompt and do not load color.rb. Sets the prompt.
Tries to load a couple of libraries but does not fail if unable to load them. I used to load ActiveSupport but happen to not like it anymore lately.
Most of this is optional, so if you installed it, but don’t wanne use it, simply remove it from the list.
To use all of this features, do the following:
sudo gem sources -a sudo gem install map_by_method what_methods english ruby2ruby hpricot mechanize duration rkh-stored_hash
Currently what_methods is not running on 1.9.
On Windows, you should also install Win32::Clipboard.
This are the libraries:
irb/completion: auto completion (tab tab)
irb/ext/save-history: readline history from former sessions
fileutils (it does “include FileUtils::Verbose”)
monitor (I use this internally)
map_by_method (
what_methods (
english/array (Array#conjunction, like Array#to_sentence from ActiveSupport)
english/inflect (String#plural and such)
english/string (String#word_wrap and such)
english/style (String#camelcase and such)
Simple ANSI color methods (in_blue, underlined, …)
Syntax highlighting in inspect and irb output:
an_object.inspect # <- not highlighted in_color { an_object.inspect } # <- highlighted >> an_object => ... highlighted version of an_object ...
cool regex highlighting:
show_regexp("hello", /l+/)
shorten long Enumerable#inspect:
>> (0..20).to_a => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... 11 elements] >> (0..20).to_a.show_all => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
Makes sure RUBY_ENGINE is defined, defines RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION
Gives you rubinius?, mri? and jruby?.
Defines ruby_binary (you might want to change this on windows setups)
call external programms as ruby functions:
ping "" wget :r, "" gem_install "ruby2ruby"
use external editor inside irb. can be extended to use any editor (currently it understands vi, vim, evim, ex, gvim, joe, kate and nano). try this:
vi last_edit vi :yaml last_edit name_edit :foo edit_to_gist :foo # if .config/irb/gist is loaded edit_to_file :foo, "foo.yaml" vi ["i wonder what...", "... will happen?", { "foo" => "bar" }] name_edit :bar last_edit :foo last_edit :bar edit_to_file "bar.yaml" last_edit :foo edit_to_gist :foo # (only if you have ruby2ruby installed): vi MyIRB def foo; :bar; end vi method(:foo) edit_to_file "foo.rb" edit_to_gist edit_to_clipboard
File.write (like
File.write "foo.txt", "bar"
Class#publicize_methods -
Ensures you have Object#tap
post from irb to gist:
gist = gist.text = "<b>hello</b>" gist.format = ".xml" gist.commit gist.text = "hello" gist.commit
post your scripts to gist:
class SomeClass; end vi SomeClass
defines is_rails?
railsifies prompt
uses STDOUT for logging