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Releases: aNNiMON/Own-Programming-Language-Tutorial


09 Oct 18:17
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  • Add own package manager. Usage examples: own, own init, own add openai.
  • Use relative path in include statement.


  • Fix passing command-line arguments to scripts.
  • Fix this in non-static class methods.
  • Fix program is not finished if using any http call (okhttp issue).
  • Fix visitor and linter checks inside functions.


  • [okhttp] Added okhttp.newClient() and HttpClientBuilderValue.
  • [canvasfx] Updated JavaFX version.


01 May 19:05
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Breaking changes

  • Minimal Java version is 17.
  • Simplified use statement. use std, math instead of use ["std", "math"].
  • Change case [x] behavior in list pattern matching to match single element.
  • More strict lexer. Fixed escaping backslash in strings. Fixed HEX numbers println 0x0123456789, 0x०१२३४५६७८९.


  • Introducing Constants. Constant can be imported only when using a module.
  • Support for long number declaration: 700L, 0xABL
  • Fixed variables scope in shadowing.
  • Better error visualizing. Parse errors shows exact line in which an error occurs. Same for Linter and Runtime errors.
  • Semantic linter as a required stage.
  • Preserve the order of Map elements by default.
  • Ability to run programs from resources by adding "resource:" prefix to path.
  • Added internal scripts and command ownlang run to run them. Added script checkUpdate that checks app updates.
  • Updated documentation. New documentation engine based on vuepress.


  • [std] Added parseDouble, nanotime, exit, getenv, getprop functions.
  • [http] Added httpSync function.
  • [functional] Added groupby, tomap, Stream.groupBy, Stream.filterNot, Stream.forEachIndexed, Stream::toMap, Stream.anyMatch, Stream.allMatch, Stream.noneMatch operators.
  • [canvasfx] Works for Java 17+ with Java FX 17 (Windows only).
  • [server] New server module.


17 Oct 11:15
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  • Added modules zip, gzip, okhttp
  • Added functions std::getBytes, std::stringFromBytes, std::stripMargin
  • Added JProgressBar, JTextArea, JScrollPane to forms, methods for JButton, JTextField and WindowListener
  • Added function joining to functional::stream
  • Added array properties: arr.length, arr.isEmpty(), arr.joinToString(...)
  • Added null coalesce operator ??
  • Added basic support for classes
  • Strict string to number conversion
  • for supports iterating strings and arrays with index:
    for ch : "test"
    for ch, code : "test"
    for el : arr
    for el, index : arr
  • Pretty-print for jsonencode:
    jsonencode(obj) — minified json
    jsonencode(obj, 2) — pretty-print json with 2 spaces indent
  • Ability to set options for yaml parser/dumper
  • Fixed mysql connection in jdbc
  • Fixed str::range for reversed ranges
  • Fixed files::readBytes with offset and length
  • Fixed matching class constructor in java::new. Ability to instantiate classes with new operator
  • Other minor changes


06 Jan 18:17
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  • Added modules downloader, regex
  • Added functions std::arraySplice, std::default
  • Added constant std::OwnLang which stores language version and platform metadata
  • Added peek, sorted to StreamValue
  • An ability to import several modules use ["std", "types", "math"]
  • String internal fields support (length, lower, upper, chars, trim(), startsWith(s), endsWith(s), matches(s), contains(s), equalsIgnoreCase(s), isEmpty()). Also support for extensions: "%d. %s".sprintf(1, "OwnLang") -> sprintf("%d. %s", 1, "OwnLang")
  • Added kawaii-operator ^^
  • Improved REPL mode. Now command history (up key) supported on all platforms. Added autocompletion by Tab key.
  • Improved error output
  • Updated examples


24 Sep 13:12
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Function and function call chaining support (func().func() and func()())
Added takewhile, dropwhile, stream functions to functional module
Added parseInt, parseLong, toHexString functions to std module
Added copy function to files module
Improved optimization
Added socket, base64, java, forms, jdbc modules
Updated examples
Minor fixes and improvements


30 Jun 10:13
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Added canvasfx, date, yml, aimp module
Updated std, math, files, functional module
Added std::ARGS constant for accessing command-line arguments
Added REPL mode, Beautifier, Linter, Optimizer
Fixed error recovering in parser and deadlock in lexer
Added merging objects operation map1 + map2
Fixed variables scope
Speeded up files reading
Added NumberValue cache
Updated Netbeans Plugin
Added examples and help


20 Feb 08:52
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First release