This project is a proof of concept based on our perception about how a start-up cloud infrastructure should be so it not guarantee any best practices nor any 'ready to production' examples.
Because the project is a bit too complex and has many concepts, the documentation does not fully cover them.
We need to design a continuous delivery architecture for a scalable and secure tree tier app
web and api should
- be accesible through a public ip
- autoscale
- update without downtime
- automated ci/cd
- handle instance failures
- serve static content through CDN
database should
- not be accesible
- have daily backups
- fault tolerant
the infrastructure should present relevant
- logs
- historical metrics ( at least the four golden signs )
arch.png illustrates the project overview
We choose Google Cloud to implement this infrastructure. The infrastructure will be provisioned with Terraform, database tier consist of a PostgreSQL Cloud instance which reside in two different zones for high availability, backed up daily and have 'Point in time recovery' enabled.
The computational power will be served through a Google Kubernetes Engine consist of three nodes with autoscale enabled. The cluster have a single namespace for production(can be added if needed), one for logging and one for monitoring. A simple ingress to manage traffic between live and cannary deploys and a backend for serving static assets through CDN wired to web-app Service. For variables and database password are created two ConfigMap's and one Secret which are provided by Terraform. Logs will be collected by Fluentd, stored in Elasticsearch and displayed through Kibana. Monitoring is setted up with Prometheus and Grafana.
Despite that we host this code on GitHub, the CI/CD pipeline is built for GitLab. The .gitlab-ci.yml
have some basic stages to build and push the image to Google Cloud Registry and deploy it to k8s. More info's here ->
The following settings are tested on MacOS environment and for a fully functional infrastructure all steps presented in are required. We encourage you to get a simple Docker image with your app to build a real scenario or you can use the simple go app from the pipeline's repo.
For a fully functional infrastructure all steps are required
install Cloud SDK which contains gcloud and kubectl
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project isv-294609 - set up default project on your local machine
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west4 - set up default zone where you will create the cluster
brew tap hashicorp/tap && brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform && terraform -install-autocomplete - install terraform
create GKP access key - | New service account | Project -> Editor ( ) add 'Editor' and 'Compute Network Admin' roles
The api's are enabled by terraform, however, this are the required api's for the project
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding isv-294609
--member=serviceAccount:[email protected] --role=roles/servicenetworking.networksAdmin
Create storage bucket for terraform state
- gsutil mb -p isv-294609 -c regional -l europe-west4 gs://terraform-gstate-isv/
- gsutil versioning set on gs://terraform-gstate-isv/
- gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:[email protected]:legacyBucketWriter gs://terraform-gstate-isv/
Update terraform.tfvars file, set credentials path to local service-account.json key
- terraform plan - plan changes
- terraform apply - apply changes
- terraform taint google_compute_instance.vm_instance - mark resource to recreate
- gcloud container clusters get-credentials isv-294609-gke --zone europe-west4 --project isv-294609 - get credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME \ --zone $PROJECT_ZONE \ --project $PROJECT_ID gcloud container clusters get-credentials isv-294609-gke-cluster
- gcloud container clusters list
- gcloud compute addresses list
- gcloud compute networks describe isv-294609-gke-cluster-network-
- gcloud compute networks subnets describe isv-294609-gke-cluster-network-gke-subnetwork-
- gcloud sql instances promote-replica <replica_name> - create a new instance, can't be undone
- gcloud sql instances failover <instance_name> - failover PostgreSQL instance
- kubectl config current-context
- kubectl get nodes
- kubectl get all
- kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n prod web-7c4f668c7f-pptgt -- /bin/bash
- kubectl -n dev describe ingress app-ingress
- kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
- kubectl apply -f
- kubectl -n prod get hpa
- kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user [email protected]
- kubectl port-forward kibana-768c8fc454-rmzpx 5601:5601 --namespace=kube-logging | http://localhost:5601/
Management -> Create index -> "logstash-*" -> Time Filter field name -> '@timestamp' - kubect port-forward elasticsearch-69d7479778-4mvqm 9200:9200 --namespace=kube-logging | curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/state?pretty
The Prometheus and Grafana install from k8s/monitoring/ is working good but grafana dashboards are not available. Needs a custom json with all dashboard config in place.
- kubectl create ns kube-monitoring
- helm repo add stable
- helm install prometheus stable/prometheus-operator --namespace kube-monitoring
- kubectl --namespace kube-monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus"
- kubectl port-forward -n kube-monitoring prometheus-prometheus-oper-operator-85cc758cdb-8c9tc 9090 - access prometheus from localhost
- kubectl --namespace kube-monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus"
- kubectl get pod -n kube-monitoring | grep grafana
- kubectl port-forward -n kube-monitoring prometheus-grafana-86f84b5c6c-sslnk 3000 - acces grafana from localhost
- kubectl get secret -n kube-monitoring prometheus-grafana -o yaml - get Grafana credentials
Optional, create branch for all apps and add deploy.yml and cannary.yml files to app project and add two new pipelines in .gitlab-ci.yml with when: node-api-master
commits ot tags trigger
- git checkout --orphan node-api-master - create new empty branch
- git checkout infra-v1 -- app/api/ - copy app from infra-v1 branch
- git tag 0.0.1 - tag - can be included in deploy vars
- git push --tags origin
gitlab-ci.yml defines a pipeline for test, build, push image to Google Container Registry and deploy apps to Google Kubernetes Engine.
Variables defined in GitLab -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables:
- $GCP_SA_KEY is the serice-account.json encoded in base64 variable defined in GitLab -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables.
To encode the json in base64: base64 project-292212-69fc45252989.json > project-292212-69fc45252989-base64.json
- $GOOGLE_CLOUD_ACCOUNT is the service account json key as file
- $CI_COMMIT_TITLE is a gitlab environment variable containing the commit title Last step waits to manually promote deploy to production, if the cannary looks good.
cert manager - -
fix grafana-dashboard-cm ConfigMap to load and apply dashboard.json config file
sql -