A Node.JS module, which provides an object oriented wrapper for the Domoticz API.
Install via npm:
$ npm install domoticz-js
Install via git clone:
$ git clone https://github.com/aalwash/domoticz-api-wrapper.git
$ cd domoticz-api-wrapper
$ npm install
You can find the docs for the API of this client at http://jirachi.tyneo.net/skauffmann/domoticz-api-nodejs/wikis/home
Additionally, the official Domoticz API documentation is a very useful resource.
var DomoticzJs = require("domoticz-js");
var client = new DomoticzJs({
host: "tamagotchi.tyneo.net",
// optional
debug: true, //default: false
protocol: "https", //default 'http'
username: "",
password: ""
All Domoticz JS methods has callback function called after request to retreive the result. Don't worry, if the callback function is undefined, the callback will be just ignored.
//callback method usage:
function callback(err, res) {
client.switchLight.turnOn(idx, callback);
//You can do the same thing with :
client.switchLight.turnOn(idx, function(err, res) {
//You can also ignore the callback function
client.switchLight.turnOn(idx, undefined);
//Shutdown Domoticz
//Reboot Domoticz
//You can log message to Domoticz
client.system.addLog("Just a hello world from the Domoticz API", callback);
//Get the list of all devices
filter: 'all', //values: 'all', 'light', 'weather', 'temperature', 'utility'
used: 'true', //values: undefined, true, false
order: 'Name'
}, callback);
//Get the list of all lights
//Same methods are availables for weather (getWeathers), temperature (getTemperatures) and utility (getUtilities)
used: 'true', //values: undefined, true, false
order: 'Name'
}, callback);
client.device.setTemperature(idx, value, callback)
client.device.setHumidity(idx, value, callback)
client.device.setTemperatureHumidity(idx, temperature, humidity, humidityStatus, callback)
client.device.setTemperatureHumidityBarometer(idx, temperature, humidity, humidityStatus, bar, barFor, callback)
client.device.setRain(idx, rainRate, rainCounter, callback)
client.device.setWind(idx, bearing, direction, speed, gust, temperature, tempWindChill, callback)
client.device.setUV(idx, counter, callback)
client.device.setCounter(idx, counter, callback)
client.device.setEnergy(idx, power, energy, callback)
client.device.setEnergySmartMeter(idx, power, energy, callback)
client.device.setAirQuality(idx, power, energy, callback)
client.device.setPressure(idx, pressure, callback)
client.device.setLux(idx, lux, callback)
client.device.setVoltage(idx, percent, callback)
client.device.setText(idx, text, callback)
client.device.setAlert(idx, level, text, callback)
client.device.setDistance(idx, distance, callback)
//Turn a light/switch on
client.switchLight.turnOn(idx, callback);
//Turn a light/switch off
client.switchLight.turnOff(idx, callback);
//Toggle a switch state between on/off
client.switchLight.toggle(idx, callback);
//Set a dimmable light to a certain level
client.switchLight.setLevel(idx, level, callback);
//Get all the scenes & groups
//same as client.group.getScenesGroups()
client.scene.getScenesGroups(idx, callback);
//Turn a scene / group on
client.scene.turnOn(idx, callback);
//Add a scene (0)
client.scene.addScene(name, callback);
//Delete a scene or group
client.scene.delete(idx, callback);
//List devices in a scene
client.scene.getDevices(idx, callback);
//Add an existing devices to a scene
client.scene.addDevice(idx, devidx, level, hue, callback);
//Delete device from a scene
client.scene.deleteDevice(idx, devidx, callback);
//List timers of a scene
client.scene.getTimers(idx, callback);
//Add timer to a scene
client.scene.getTimers(idx, active, timertype, date, hour, min, randomness, command, level, days, callback);
//Get all the scenes & groups
//same as client.scene.getScenesGroups()
client.group.getScenesGroups(idx, callback);
//Turn a scene / group on
client.group.turnOn(idx, callback);
//Turn a scene / group off
client.group.turnOff(idx, callback);
//Get all hardwares
//Create virtual hardware
client.hardware.CreateVirtual(name, callback);
//List all variables
//List one variable
client.uservariable.getUserVariable(idx, callback);
//Store a new variable
client.uservariable.create(name, type, value, callback)
//Update an existing variable
client.uservariable.update(idx, name, type, value, callback)
//Delete a variable
client.uservariable.delete(idx, callback)
MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.