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License: MIT
badge: Made With-JavaScript badge: Made With-CSS3 badge: Made With-HTML5
badge: Uses-express-handlebars badge: Uses-express badge: Uses-express-sessions badge: Uses-Sequelize badge: Uses-Canvas badge: Uses-Node.JS
​ Welcome to Cobra Arcade! Our hope is that you’ll be able to take advantage of this website to take a break from your busy lives and rest your brain while having some fun! Our team is so excited for you to enjoy a nostalgic trip down game history to play classic titles such as Snake, Flappy Bird, and Pong. See if you can make the top score chart! ​ This Heroku DB application will allow the user to record their highscores of our three offered games with Sequelize, Node.JS, Express, Express Handlebars, and Express Sessions and canvas. ​

Table of Contents

Deployed Application
Future Updates

Deployed Application

​ Here is an example of our app in action:
​ Access our deployed application here!


​ Download this package, open your command line interface and run npm install. This should install the following dependencies aswell: Express, Express-Sessions, Express-Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize, and nodemon. If for some reason, you need to install the dependencies individually run npm install "dependency_name".(see the "npm install express" example) ​ Next run the following command to install the app: ​

npm install 
npm install express

​ Note: This app is run on a Heroku server, it is not necessary to download. ​


​ If you have downloaded the repository and have cloned the package to your machine, and have installed all dependencies, begin by typing "npm start". ​

npm start 

​ (The following directions apply to running the application on Heroku or through your local host) ​

Login Page

​ If you have never used our application before create a new username and password by clicking in the appropriate input field. Then click submit to proceeed to the games page. ​ If you have created a username and password simply type in your previous sign in and you will be redirected to the games page. ​ Note: Your created username and password need to be between 1-45 characters long. ​

Games Page

​ On the game page you will be presented with an gallery of pictures for each game you can play. Simply click on the picture to be redirected to your desired game. ​ Before playing a game if you'd like to view the highscores you can scroll to the bottom of the page to see who is currently holding the top 5 highest scores for each available game. ​

Cobra Page

​ To play Cobra, follow the onscreen menu instructions.
​ Note: To play this game you must use a maximized browser window. Also, for each of the game pages, when you get a game over, your sessions score will automatically be saved to your user account. ​

Pong Page

​ To play Ping-Pong, follow the onscreen menu instructions. ​

Flappy Birds Page

​ To play Flappy Birds, follow the onscreen menu instructions. ​


Deployed Application


​ Testing Instructions: Currently, there are no written tests for this application, but if you wish to write your, change the scripts property in package json file. ​

npm install jest
npm test

​ Note if you want to test server side changes more efficently, install and run nodemon using your CLI application to host your server. While running it and making changes to your directory, simply save your file and nodemon will restart the server. ​

npm install -g nodemon
nodemon server.js

Future Updates

This application is a work in progress, future updates will include:

  1. Enable users to upload their own games and comment on their own creations and others
  2. Refactor using an authentication library for better user information security
  3. Address snake game bug ​


​ Share with us with any comments or questions to help us grow! ​ GitHub Contributors: Clyde Baron Rapinan, Aaron Platt, Timothy Sanders, Johnny L, and Matthew Rogers


​ Code boilerplate provided by Trilogy Education & Chris Stead ​ Thanks to Steven Jirjis and Chris Stead for troubleshooting and debugging assistance. ​ Special thanks to Clyde Baron Rapinan for excellent and effective problem solving, and going above and beyond to complete this application. ​


Licensed under the MIT License lincense.