Update changelog.md #159
31 fail, 293 pass in 4m 5s
1 files 130 suites 4m 5s ⏱️
324 tests 293 ✅ 0 💤 31 ❌
351 runs 304 ✅ 0 💤 47 ❌
Results for commit 360c03a.
github-actions / Test Results
New-MdtDrive.Creates a new MDT drive.Returns the expected MDT drive name failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected 'DS020', but got @(DS020, 'DS020').
at New-MdtDrive -Drive "DS020" -Path $Path | Should -Be "DS020", D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Private\New-MdtDrive.Tests.ps1:29
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Private\New-MdtDrive.Tests.ps1:29
github-actions / Test Results
1 out of 2 runs failed: Export-VcManifest.Validate Export-VcManifest.Given valid parameter -Path, it exports an JSON file
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected the actual value to be greater than or equal to 6, but got 2.
at $VcList.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual $VcCount.Default, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Export-VcManifest.Tests.ps1:32
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Export-VcManifest.Tests.ps1:32
github-actions / Test Results
Get-VcRedist parameters.Test Get-VcRedist parameters.Returns 3 items for x64 failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected exactly 3, but got $null.
at (Get-VcList -Architecture "x64").Count | Should -BeExactly 3, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Get-VcList.Tests.ps1:76
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Get-VcList.Tests.ps1:76
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Import-VcMdtApplication with <Release>.Import-VcMdtApplication imports Redistributables into the MDT share.Imports the <Release> x64 Redistributables into MDT OK
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Import-VcMdtApplication with <Release>.Import-VcMdtApplication imports Redistributables into the MDT share.Imports the <Release> x86 Redistributables into MDT OK
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x64 Redistributable.Installs the VcRedist: <VcRedist.Name> <VcRedist.Architecture> via parameters
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x64 Redistributable.Returns the list of installed VcRedists after install
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x64 Redistributable.Installs the VcRedist: <VcRedist.Name> <VcRedist.Architecture> via the pipeline
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x86 Redistributable.Installs the VcRedist: <VcRedist.Name> <VcRedist.Architecture> via parameters
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x86 Redistributable.Returns the list of installed VcRedists after install
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Install-VcRedist with supported Redistributables.Install <Release> x86 Redistributable.Installs the VcRedist: <VcRedist.Name> <VcRedist.Architecture> via the pipeline
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Download Redistributables.Downloads the release 2012 x64 and returns the expected object failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
ValidationMetadataException: The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
ParameterBindingValidationException: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:61
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Download Redistributables.Downloads the release 2012 x86 and returns the expected object failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
ValidationMetadataException: The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
ParameterBindingValidationException: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:65
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Test downloaded Redistributables.Downloaded Visual C++ Redistributables 2012 x64 OK failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected $true, but got $false.
at Test-VcDownload -VcList (Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64") -Path $Path | Should -BeTrue, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:71
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:71
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Test downloaded Redistributables.Downloaded Visual C++ Redistributables 2012 x86 OK failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected $true, but got $false.
at Test-VcDownload -VcList (Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86") -Path $Path | Should -BeTrue, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:75
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:75
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Download Redistributables.Downloads the release 2013 x64 and returns the expected object failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
ValidationMetadataException: The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
ParameterBindingValidationException: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:61
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Download Redistributables.Downloads the release 2013 x86 and returns the expected object failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
ValidationMetadataException: The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
ParameterBindingValidationException: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again.
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:65
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Test downloaded Redistributables.Downloaded Visual C++ Redistributables 2013 x64 OK failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected $true, but got $false.
at Test-VcDownload -VcList (Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64") -Path $Path | Should -BeTrue, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:71
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:71
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist.Test downloaded Redistributables.Downloaded Visual C++ Redistributables 2013 x86 OK failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected $true, but got $false.
at Test-VcDownload -VcList (Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86") -Path $Path | Should -BeTrue, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:75
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:75
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist pipeline.Test pipeline support.Should not throw when passed 2012 x64 via pipeline with no parameters failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected no exception to be thrown, but an exception "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." was thrown from D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97 char:51
+ ... { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64" | Save-VcRedist } | Sho ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
at { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64" | Save-VcRedist } | Should -Not -Throw, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist pipeline.Test pipeline support.Should not throw when passed 2012 x86 via pipeline with no parameters failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected no exception to be thrown, but an exception "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." was thrown from D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101 char:51
+ ... { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86" | Save-VcRedist } | Sho ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
at { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86" | Save-VcRedist } | Should -Not -Throw, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist pipeline.Test pipeline support.Should not throw when passed 2013 x64 via pipeline with no parameters failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected no exception to be thrown, but an exception "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." was thrown from D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97 char:51
+ ... { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64" | Save-VcRedist } | Sho ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
at { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x64" | Save-VcRedist } | Should -Not -Throw, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:97
github-actions / Test Results
Save-VcRedist pipeline.Test pipeline support.Should not throw when passed 2013 x86 via pipeline with no parameters failed
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Expected no exception to be thrown, but an exception "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'VcList'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again." was thrown from D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101 char:51
+ ... { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86" | Save-VcRedist } | Sho ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
at { Get-VcList -Release $_ -Architecture "x86" | Save-VcRedist } | Should -Not -Throw, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101
at <ScriptBlock>, D:\a\vcredist\vcredist\tests\Public\Save-VcRedist.Tests.ps1:101
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Test-VcRedistUri.Test-VcRedistUri returns true for release <Release> x64.Returns a true result
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.
github-actions / Test Results
All 2 runs failed: Test-VcRedistUri.Test-VcRedistUri returns true for release <Release> x64.Returns an architecture of x64
D:\a\vcredist\vcredist//tests//TestResults-windows-2022.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
This test should run but it did not. Most likely a setup in some parent block failed.