As a Data Scientist in an industry that deals with private data the (legal, not moral) problem is that the data comes from many countries, which don’t have the same legislation regarding private data, and some users probably did not agree to give away their private data to other companies that work with us. The aim of this project is to anonymize all these texts to remove any personal data.
The goal of this project is to detect personal data in preprocessed texts (in CONLL format : using two implementations for each subproblem : K-nearest neighbour algorithm for classification in C++ and Deep neural classifier in Tensorflow
The goal is to anonymize the ConLL2003 dataset, already pre-processed so that each token (=sub-word) is represented as a numeric vector, one after another, without the notion of sentences and then classify the 'PER' (personal) labels vs the rest of labels.
The goal is to build and compare classifiers for the original Named Entity Recognition (NER) problem in ConLL2003 i.e. not just for PERS vs rest.
The goal is to test our models on other datasets like BTC and Wikigold datasets.
Contains two keras models to be loaded when evaluating the performance of the anonymization solution on BTC and Wikigold datasets.
Anonymization.ipynb : Transform tokens to embedded vectors using Bert
Data/transform-labels/ : Contains notebooks to transform labels ('PER','ORG','LOC','O',...) to one-hot encoded vectors
sub-problem3/evaluate_on_wikigold.ipynb : A specific notebook to evaluate the NN implemented on Wikigold dataset
sub-problem3/evaluate_on_BTC.ipynb : A specific notebook to evaluate the NN implemented on BTC dataset
Please find further details in the final-report.pdf that I wrote.