It is a complete Pokedex App developed over Poke Api, with Flutter. It was my Course project for the Database management system(DBMS) It is a complete app for scrapping data from API and storing it in Database
- Login/SignUp Screen with interactive UI.
- Search Pokemon by name
- Sort by type, statistics, PokedexNumber, Albatically
- Display All Pokemon
- When I click on specific Pokemon it will give the Description of the Pokemon, Base stats, Abbities
- When the Moves tab is clicked it shows Moves of Every Pokemon along with stats of that Moves
- Name
- Pokedex Number
- Types
- Pokedex Description
- Height
- Weight
- Base Statistics
- Abilities
- Moves Learnt from
For projects with Firestore integration, you must first run the following commands to ensure the project compiles:
flutter pub get
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
This command creates the generated files that parse each Record from Firestore into a schema object.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.