Welcome to Image Repository, your own library of images, which helps you to add, delete and classify images into groups! The App is built on top of ReactJS.
- The images chosen by a user are uploaded to Firebase Storage/ Google Cloud Platform storage buckets.(To choose an image, hover to the cloud button at the bottom right position)
- The Image is passed through TesseractJS to identify characters!(OCR)
- The Image is then passed through TensorflowJS's MobileNet Image Classification model to get labels related to the image.
- The data collected from the above two steps is uploaded to Firestore database(NoSQL).
- To search image labels, type a search term in the search box.(multiple queries, should be comma separated, eg: "cat, grass" with no trailing commas)
- A list of identified labels appears on the left sidebar, which on clicking, shows the images corresponding to the clicked label!
- The images can also searched on the basis of another chosen image, to those the image query, click on the camera button next to the search bar!
- The images can be deleted from the library by clicking the
button corresponding to an image. - Information about images can be retreived by clicking the
button corresponding to an image.
The production version is hosted at https://imagerepository-38d54.web.app/
- Make sure, the latest version of Node and NPM are installed!
- Clone the project!
- Install the necessary NPM dependencies using
npm install
. - Create a Firebase project and integrate the App with the Firebase project!
- Place the Firebase config in ImageRepository/FirebaseConfig.js in the following format!
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "api-key",
authDomain: "project-id.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://project-id.firebaseio.com",
projectId: "project-id",
storageBucket: "project-id.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "sender-id",
appId: "app-id",
measurementId: "G-measurement-id",
export default firebaseConfig;
- To start the project, use
npm start
- The app uses TensorflowJS MobileNet's pretrained model which only use browser resources instead of a GPU, so the performance may be a bit lower, as compared to paid cloud solutions like Google Cloud Vision, Amazon Rekognition or Azure Computer Vision!
- Only for the users testing the development version - While running
npm run build
, The user may face issues in the production version,(not the currently hosted version), please refer this to fix the Tensorflow issue.