Blog Post
See the blog post to learn what's new with this release: https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP-Framework-ABP-Commercial-3.3-Final-Have-Been-Released
- PR #5923: Do not validate for primitive objects. (by maliming)
- PR #5894: Prevent ReflectionHelper's GetValueByPath method use null values. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #5856: wrong call in CrudAppService
- PR #5833: Update Two factor localize text. (by maliming)
- PR #5831: Only store IdentityLinkUser on the Host side. (by maliming)
- PR #5949: Created features document for the Angular UI (by armanozak)
- PR #5944: Dist. Event Docs: match event object names (by yekalkan)
- PR #5943: Created settings document for the Angular UI (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #5919: [Angular UI] ListService - server side filtering
- ISSUE #5913: Should Configure ProviderOptions on the Blazor UI startup project
- PR #5903: Use userName instead of username for Identity's FindByUsernameAsync. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #5897: Dynamic HttpApi Client throw exception Missing path parameter value for xx parameter
- PR #5869: Configuration doc link added to Module-Development-Basics.md (by EngincanV)
- PR #5864: Add XSRF-TOKEN to Swagger UI Requests (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #5863: Remove base call from MapToGetListOutputDtoAsync method. (by maliming)
- PR #5855: Improve abp_io Chinese Localization (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5854: Documentation shows wrong API Documentation version
- ISSUE #5848: Improve abp_io Chinese Localization
- PR #5845: Update blazor tutorial v3.3 (by hikalkan)
- ISSUE #5832: Adding new layouts to Angular application
- ISSUE #5830: Feature Management Angular UI: Two Factor Info Text is not helpful
- ISSUE #5824: Blazor UI: Permissions modal should display provider
- ISSUE #5823: Blazor UI: Login with tenant should show the tenant name
- ISSUE #5818: Bazor UI: The current page number should be active
- ISSUE #5817: [Angular] abp-ng.core.js:1305 Cannot find the en locale file.
- ISSUE #5803: Add XSRF-TOKEN to Swagger UI Requests
- ISSUE #5792: [Angular] validateOnSubmit not working properly
- ISSUE #5772: Settings document for the Angular UI
- ISSUE #5646: Test the Blazor UI with the Release Mode / Publish
- ISSUE #5619: Dynamic c# client throw NullRefrenceException when add a parameter in dto, the parameter is not requried
- ISSUE #5574: Update the Blazor tutorial based on 3.3.0 changes
- ISSUE #5497: Update documents for the async repository LINQ extension methods