make all - compiles the entire program
make clean - removes all class files
java cs455.harvester.Crawler <portnum> <thread-pool-size> <root-url> <path-to-config-file>
Location of jar file: ./lib/jericho-html-3.3.jar
Locations of configurations for Thread pool manager:
- Thread pool size: cs455/harvester/threadpool/ on line 26 is where I create the thread pool of a certain size. The actual size of the thread pool is a program argument to the Crawler, therefore it is set in the crawler's constructor
- Sleep period: cs455/harvester/threadpool/ on line 57 is where I configure the niceness sleep period for all threads.
Explanation of Scripts:
- : sshs into all machines and removes the temp directorys I created. This ensures that there will be no "leftovers" from previous runs
- : sshs into all my machines with my port number and starts the crawler with a hard coded thread number