- AllQMapper.java - the mapper that reads in the data and produces key value pairs based on the question and the required output for that question
- AllQCombiner.java - aids in speeding up the adding of the values for each question
- AllQReducer.java - outputs the final values for questions Q1-Q6 and intermediate values for Q7 and Q8
- Q7MapperPart2.java & Q7ReducerPart2.java - sorts the average number of rooms per house and then provides the 95th percentile.
- Q8MapperPart2.java & Q8ReducerPart2.java - sorts all the percentages of elderly by taking advantage of the inhouse sorting of mapreduce and outputs the state with the most elderly population.
- AllQRunner.java - Runs the three jobs in the exact order (also contains code that could do jobs 2 & 3 if only one map reduce job was wanted and using outside java programs was allowed)
- ValueWritable.java - A custom writable that contains up to four values to be used by all the questions
The program outputs in the following format:
Multiple outputs were chosen to provide better analysis of the different factors as well as easier integration into the google maps frameworks (still needs to be done)
- On a per-state basis provide a breakdown of the percentage of residences that were rented vs. owned.
- On a per-state basis what percentage of the population never married? Report this for both males and females. Note: The US Census data tracks this information for persons with ages 15 years and over.
- On a per-state basis, analyze the age distribution based on gender.
- Percentage of people below 18 years (inclusive) old.
- Percentage of people between 19 (inclusive) and 29 (inclusive) years old.
- Percentage of people between 30 (inclusive) and 39 (inclusive) years old.
- On a per-state basis, analyze the distribution of rural households vs. urban households.
- On a per-state basis, what is the median value of the house that occupied by owners?
- On a per-state basis, what is median rent paid by households?
- What is the 95th percentile of the average number of rooms per house across all states?
- Which state has the highest percentage of elderly people (age > 85) in their population?