The MDTF diagnostic package is portable, extensible, usable, and open for contribution from the community. A goal is to allow diagnostics to be repeatable inside, or outside, of modeling center workflows. These are diagnostics focused on model improvement, and as such a slightly different focus from other efforts. The code runs on CESM model output, as well as on GFDL and CF-compliant model output.
The MDTF Diagnostic Framework consists of multiple modules, each of which is developed by an individual research group or user. Modules are independent of each other, each module:
- Produces its own html file (webpage) as the final product
- Consists of a set of process-oriented diagnostics
- Produces a figures or multiple figures that can be displayed by the html in a browser
Follow the links in the table below to view sample output, including a brief description and a link to the full documentation for each diagnostic.
Diagnostic | Contributor |
Convective Transition Diagnostics | J. David Neelin (UCLA) |
MJO Teleconnections | Eric Maloney (CSU) |
Extratropical Variance (EOF 500hPa Height) | CESM/AMWG (NCAR) |
Wavenumber-Frequency Spectra | CESM/AMWG (NCAR) |
MJO Spectra and Phasing | CESM/AMWG (NCAR) |
Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation | Rich Neale (NCAR) |
Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration coupling | Eric Wood (Princeton) |
MJO Propagation and Amplitude (example with GFDL CM4 data) | Xianan Jiang (UCLA) |
AMOC 3D structure (implementation in progress, example with GFDL CM2 model data) | Xiaobiao Xu (FSU/COAPS) |
ENSO Moist Static Energy budget (implementation in progress, example with CCSM4 data) | Hariharasubramanian Annamalai (U. Hawaii) |
Warm Rain Microphysics (implementation in progress) | Kentaroh Suzuki (AORI, U. Tokyo) |
Latest complete package based on a CESM-CAM run
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Getting Started (in the process of being updated)
Observational and sample model data can be obtained by FTP from :
Pre-digested observational data: MDTF_v2.0.obs_data.tar (160 MB)
NCAR-CESM-CAM sample data: model.QBOi.EXP1.AMIP.001.tar (13G)
NOAA-GFDL-CM4 sample data: model.GFDL.CM4.c96L32.am4g10r8.tar (5G)
Developer's Walk-through (v2.0) (in the process of being updated)
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