This is my dotfiles collection, a set of configuration files I use to customize tools used on a daily basis.
These files are licensed under Artistic License 2.0
mkdir ~/git
git clone ~/git/dotfiles/accdias
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/fonts ~/.local/share/fonts
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/XCompose ~/.XCompose
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/Xresources ~/.Xresources
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/bashrc ~/.bashrc
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/bashrc.d ~/.bashrc.d
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/elinks/elinks.conf ~/.elinks/elinks.conf
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/fonts ~/.local/share/fonts
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/fonts.conf ~/.fonts.conf
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/inputrc ~/.inputrc
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/matplotlib ~/.config/matplotlib
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/screenrc ~/.screenrc
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/sway ~/.config/sway
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/taskrc ~/.taskrc
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/themes ~/.local/share/themes
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/tmux ~/.config/tmux
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/vim ~/.vim
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/xsession ~/.xsession
ln -sf ~/git/dotfiles/accdias/zim ~/.config/zim
- Gnome Terminal
- Kudos to Mayccoll and his Gnome Terminal color schemes
- screenrc
- Kudos to Sven Guckes for his screenrc file.
- sway
- Check the sway WiKi out.
- tmux.conf
- Kudos to Peter Forgacs for his tmux.conf article from where I borrowed some tweaks and the idea for a help on the keybindings.
- vimrc
- Kudos to the nicest and smartest vim community at /r/vim for tips about tuning, readability and vimscript.