Sample web application with Spring MVC (Controller layer) and Facelets (View layer)
This simple project shows Spring MVC and Facelets integration. Facelets is the most popular View Framework based on Decorator pattern. It is a part of JSF component-based specification, but it's hard to mix with other frameworks (like action-based Spring MVC). It comes much easier with the FaceletViewResolver written by Isaac Silva. It goes normally as default Spring MVC process:1. Dispatcher Servlet
2. Handler Mapping
3. Controller method
4. ModelAndView
5. ViewResolver as FaceletViewResolver
6. Composed View based on Facelet templates. Just download the project and then run the command as:
a)mvn tomcat7:run (Tomcat 7 servlet container), or
b)mvn jetty:run (Jetty servlet container) (HTML5 page layout used as example)