This project has a pair of native mobile applications backed by the Sessionize data api for use in events hosted by the Sessionize web application. These are specifically for Droidcon events, but can be forked and customized for anything run on Sessionize.
Touchlab is looking for Android-focused mobile engineers, experienced with Kotlin and looking to get involved with Kotlin Multiplatorm in the near future. More info here.
Kotlin multiplatform libraries used:
SQLDelight - SQL model generator from Square and AlecStrong.
SQLiter - Lightly opinionated sqlite access driver. Powering the sqldelight native driver.
multiplatform-settings - Shared settings for Android and iOS from russhwolf.
Stately - Multiplatform threading state library.
Clone, and at the base, run:
./gradlew build
The time zone of the conference can be changed for both the Android and iOS applications. The time zone is formatted by the country / city, for example for New York you would set the variable as "America/New_York".
In Android, you can find the variable in the apps build.gradle.
buildConfigField "String", "TIME_ZONE", "\"America/Los_Angeles\""
In iOS you can find the variable in the projects info.plist, under Time Zone.
If you want a full list of available Time Zone options, take a look at the TimeZoneAndroid and TimeZoneiOS files in the root.
You can use any recent version of Intellij (2018.3+) or Android Studio 3.3+. You should be able to open the project folder directly, or import the project as a gradle project.
The ios project is in the iosApp folder. CD into it and open the xcworkspace file with Xcode.
cd iosApp
open iosApp.xcworkspace
There is an experimental plugin called Xcode Sync. It imports Kotlin files into the Xcode project. You can safely ignore that for now, but if you'd like to have new Kotlin files available in Xcode, run the task added by the plugin.
CocoaPods is used by the project to import dependencies. We would normally not include the binaries in the repo, but a much earlier version of Kotlin native had some odd incompatibility, so we checked them in. It's also easier to run the project without needing to set up CocoaPods, so we're just leaving them in for now.
General instructions for customizing the app. This app is backed by Sessionize and with some tweaks would be generally useful for any Sessionize event.
Check out the issues section to see what we're looking for. We will be adding a number of new features for Droidcon NYC 2019, as well as keeping up with the latest additions to the Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem.
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