CWMS RADAR is undergoing a rename process to CWMS DATA API. This repository name will be changed as well as the artifacts/packages/classes in a future release. This will follow the guidance and process of the cwms-radar-api repository rename effort.
An HTTP client API for performing REST calls as well as adding authentication and HTTPS support.
Client Side libraries to assist with Accessing CWMS RADAR API.
Data objects serialized from CWMS RADAR for client use.
Client API access for the CWMS_AAA web app used to authenticate calls to RADAR.
Artifacts are deployed to HEC Nexus with browsable links below:
cwms-http-client uses Java Util Logger for logging HTTP calls.
To enable debug logging, add the following to your application's file to turn on OkHttp's HttpLoggingInterceptor.BASIC logging level: = FINE
For more verbose logging, add the following to your application's file to turn on OkHttp's HttpLoggingInterceptor.BODY logging level: = ALL