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Goal 1 Notes: Create Table and Insert Data

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The idea is to take a json object, and insert auto-generate the table and/or columns necessary to insert the data into mysql.

given a json object and target table name:

  1. if the table doesn't exist then:
    • loop through the json object, collecting type information for each key value
    • generate a table with the table name and columns
    • start back at (1)
  2. else, i…

The idea is to take a json object, and insert auto-generate the table and/or columns necessary to insert the data into mysql.

given a json object and target table name:

  1. if the table doesn't exist then:
    • loop through the json object, collecting type information for each key value
    • generate a table with the table name and columns
    • start back at (1)
  2. else, if the table exists, then:
    • verify that the table contains columns for all of the keys in the json object
      • if not, then add the appropriate columns (never delete/rename), start back at 2
    • determine the unique key of the json object "id" unless otherwise specified
    • determine if a row with that id already exists,
      • if so, then update the row with the json object
      • otherwise insert a new row

if the JSON object contains other objects as its property values, then flatten them into columns, so:
{ "foo" : { "bar1" : "baz1", "bar2" : "baz2"} }
is equivalant to:
{"foo_bar1" : "baz1", "foo_bar2" : "baz2" }

if a property contains an array for a value, then each of those objects should be added to their own mysql table, with a foreign key to the original table's row. so:
{ "foo" : [{ "bar" : "baz1"}, {"bar" : "baz2"}] }

would auto generate a table tablename_foo, with foreign key column: foo_id that points to the original foo object. tablename_foo would also contain the data column bar, and 2 rows for each baz1 and baz2 would be inserted.
