Code samples for lightning talk at adaptTo() 2017 in Berlin:
- Java 8
- Maven 3.3.9
- AEM 6.3 Author running on port 4502
- AEM 6.3 Publish running on port 4503 (optional)
- Deploy the sample application to your local AEM instances using the script
- For author instance on port 4502:
- For publish instance on port 4503:
- For both author and publish:
- For author instance on port 4502:
The deploy scripts are really simple and mainly contain two commands:
- Build the Demo application (including CONGA artifacts)
- Upload the CONGA artifacts (=AEM packages) in the correct order to your local AEM instance(s)
What is generated by CONGA and uploaded with the second command:
- The configuration of the local environments (only a few "high-level" switches) is done here: Environment: development.yaml
- This CONGA role describes what configuration artifacts CONGA should generate
Role: adaptto-provisionaem-aem-cms.yaml
(and it inherits from the generic
role from CONGA AEM Definitions) - It includes a set of 3rdparty packages, in this case the AEM Core WCM Components and ACS AEM Commons
- It includes the application packages including Sample Content
- And configuration package dynamically generated by CONGA:
- Generic AEM config e.g. to enable DavEx for CRX DE lite on development machines
- A simplified DAM asset workflow
- Replication Agent configuration (on author)
- Parameterized OSGi configuration as defined in this template
- Arbitrary content package with a languages node configuration to configure the AEM Translator (on author)
It's easy to add your own stuff in the same fashion.
The required CONGA maven plugins are configured in the aem-global-parent POM.
Please note: this example includes an Application built in the JCR Content Loader (see this talk) - but the principle of provisioning a local AEM instance will be working in exactly the same way with FileVault XML-based application layouts.