๐ A powerful Neovim plugin for copying and managing file contents with an intuitive Telescope interface.
- ๐ Fast and Efficient: Quick file content copying powered by Telescope's fuzzy finder
- ๐ Multi-Selection: Select multiple files and copy their contents with ease
- ๐จ Rich Preview: Built-in file preview with syntax highlighting
- ๐ ๏ธ Highly Configurable: Customize everything from keymaps to display formats
- ๐ฏ Smart Filtering: Advanced file filtering with ripgrep integration
- ๐ Buffer Labels: Organize copied content with customizable file labels
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional, for file icons
config = function()
-- your configuration
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = {
'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', -- optional, for file icons
config = function()
-- your configuration
- Open the file picker:
-- Default keymap
- Select files using:
to toggle selection<C-a>
to select all<C-t>
to toggle all<CR>
to copy selected contents
Here's a basic configuration with default values:
register = "+", -- Copy to system clipboard
selection_indicator = "โ", -- Selected files indicator
selection_caret = "โ ", -- Selection cursor indicator
-- Optional: Customize keymaps
keymaps = {
open_picker = "<leader>cb",
toggle_selection = "<TAB>",
fast_copy_all = "<C-a>",
toggle_all = "<C-t>",
๐ง Full Configuration
register = "+", -- "+" Copy to the host machine clipboard
selection_indicator = "โ", -- Icon for selected entries
selection_caret = "โ ", -- Icon for the selection caret
keymaps = {
open_picker = "<leader>cb",
toggle_selection = "<TAB>",
fast_copy_all = "<C-a>",
toggle_all = "<C-t>",
activate_all_visible = "<C-v>",
deactivate_all_visible = "<C-d>",
invert_selection = "<C-r>",
toggle_hidden = "<leader>g",
copy_to_buffer = "<C-b>",
save_to_file = "<C-s>",
copy_paths = "<C-p>",
highlights = {
multi_selection = {
guifg = "#7aa2f7", -- Brighter blue for active selection
guibg = "#292e42", -- Slightly lighter gray-blue for active background
log = {
use_notify = true,
level = vim.log.levels.DEBUG,
-- Change the layout of the picker
-- layout_config = {
-- width = 0.8,
-- height = 0.9,
-- prompt_position = "top",
-- preview_cutoff = 120,
-- horizontal = {
-- preview_width = 0.6,
-- },
-- },
display = {
label_buffers = true,
label_format = "-- %c --",
prompt_title = "Cpy Buffers",
content_separator = "\n\n",
show_icons = true,
file_search = {
hide_hidden_files = true,
additional_rg_options = "",
include_extensions = {},
exclude_patterns = { "node_modules/*", "vendor/*" },
sorting = {
sort_by_modification = false,
sort_by_size = false,
sort_by_extension = false,
use_custom_sorter = false,
Key | Action |
<leader>cb |
Open file picker |
<TAB> |
Toggle selection |
<C-a> |
Copy all files |
<C-t> |
Toggle all files |
<C-v> |
Select all visible |
<C-d> |
Deselect all visible |
<C-r> |
Invert selection |
<leader>g |
Toggle hidden files |
<C-b> |
Copy to new buffer |
<C-s> |
Save to file |
<C-p> |
Copy file paths |
Command | Description |
:CpyBufChangeRgCommand |
Modify ripgrep options |
:CpyBufToggleGitignore |
Toggle hidden files |
:CpyBufChangeLabelFormat |
Change label format |
For detailed information about advanced features and customization options, check out our Advanced Usage Guide.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.