index.php simply calls test on some inputs
/src folder has the class with the coded functions /test folder has the unit tests for the coded functions since I like to do test driven development
Both questions are tested with a bunch of cases
The answers to the technical questions are in the Word Doc
Given an array of unsorted integers, where all values are > 0, write code to produce the number of sets that satisfy the following:
a + b > c
a + c > b
b + c > a
There are no duplicates in the array. You may apply a sort function to the array if you want.
Ex for input of an array [2,5,4,3] your code should return the integer 3 because there are 3 combinations that satisfy the three conditions above
[2,3,4], [2,4,5], [3,4,5]
Note that we don’t count different orderings of the same numbers more than once.
Write a program that can take in any integer n and output a string that represents the spoken version of that number in english. You can assume n will only come in the following range
-1000000000 <= n <= 1000000000
(ie negative 1 billion to positive 1 billion)
n is an integer; there will be no decimal places to worry about.
n = 123
output = ‘one hundred twenty three’
n = -1100
output = ‘negative one thousand one hundred’
(also valid would be output = ‘negative eleven hundred’. you don’t need to account for both. as long as one valid result can be returned)
n = 76,000,123
output = ‘seventy six million one hundred twenty three’
You do not need to put hyphens ‘-’ or commas ',' or ‘and’ in your answer.
Technical Questions - Answers in Word Doc Give your thoughts on the technical details needed to build a code versioning system like github? How would you incorporate code reviews, different developer teams, and code rollbacks? If someone asked you to build a city building simulator(ie Sim City), what would your technical writeup be? You are given a grant of ten billion dollars (dollar amount isn't important). Focus on the data structures used to store all of your city data as it grows(buildings, roads, budget, population etc ...).