WhatsYourAltitude a.k.a WYA. WYA is a RN Geolocation Services showcase. I created this application just to get the ALTITUDE of current location of user, that's why it's known as WhatsYourAltitude. But the problem is getting altitude of any location is not easy. You can get latitude - longitude of any location with the help Google Services. But to get altitude of any location you have to use Map API provided by Google.
This project curreclty supported on Android only.
- Up-to-date code with Android-X libraries
- React-Native Geolocation-Service
- React-Native Google-Places
- Lottie React-Native
- React-Navigation
- React-Native Linear Gradient
- React-Native Vector Icon
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/adityasonel/TheReactApp.git
# Install dependencies
yarn install
npm install
react-native link
Get your google api and add to HomeScreen.js
# replace AppKey.googleApiKey with your api key
var apiKey = AppKey.googleApiKey;
and also at AndroidManifest.xml
As i stated above i am using latest androidx library in this project. But react-native-gesture-handler
is still on v4 version of android sdk. So when you try to run application by react-native run-android
, you can get an error as
error: package android.support.v4.util does not exist
If you are familiar with android studio, you can solve this error by just import latest dependencies. Search for files RNGestureHandlerEvent.java
and RNGestureHandlerStateChangeEvent.java
in android studio, replace older version dependencies with newer version. There you go, everything is perfect. Just run application again.
But if you are not want to open android studio you can also solve this issue but in much longer way. Search for this to files in project RNGestureHandlerEvent.java
and RNGestureHandlerStateChangeEvent.java
or go to file location in your system.
That is normally, node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android/src/main/java/com/swmansion/gesturehandler/react/
search for above two files and replace this line
import android.support.v4.util.Pools;
# with
import androidx.core.util.Pools;
There you go, everything is perfect. Just run application again. But i am not recommending this way because this is not relevant method to solve dependencies or library version issues in android developement.
If you find any problems, please open an issue or submit a fix as a pull request.