Backfish is a flexible and powerful backtracking library for Elixir, designed to solve combinatorial and constraint satisfaction problems. Whether you're working on puzzles like Sudoku, N-Queens, Word Search, or graph problems like the Hamiltonian Path, Backfish provides the tools you need to implement efficient solutions.
- Easy-to-use API for defining problem states, goals, and next steps.
- Supports finding the first valid solution or all possible solutions.
- Extensible to a wide variety of problem domains.
Add backfish
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:backfish, "~> 0.1.0"}
To define a problem, you need to create a module that uses Backfish.ProblemDefinition
and implements the required callbacks: initial_state/1
, is_goal?/1
, and next_steps/1
defmodule Backfish.Examples.NQueens do
use Backfish.ProblemDefinition
@default_size 8
def initial_state(args) do
size = Keyword.get(args, :size, @default_size)
%{board: [], size: size}
def is_goal?(%{board: board, size: size}) do
length(board) == size
def next_steps(%{board: board, size: size}) do
row = length(board) + 1
|> Enum.filter(fn col -> valid_position?(board, {row, col}) end)
|> col -> %{board: [{row, col} | board], size: size} end)
defp valid_position?(board, {row, col}) do
Enum.all?(board, fn {r, c} ->
c != col && abs(c - col) != abs(r - row)
Use Backfish.find_first_solution/2
to find the first valid solution or Backfish.find_all_solutions/2
to find all possible solutions.
opts = [args: [size: 8]]
{:ok, solution} = Backfish.find_first_solution(Backfish.Examples.NQueens, opts)
solutions = Backfish.find_all_solutions(Backfish.Examples.NQueens, opts)
Contributions to improve Backfish are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit pull requests.
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found here.
Backfish is released under the MIT License.
Special thanks to ChatGPT 4o for helping me build this library in 3 days.