A simple application for tasting and findings on Docker Swarm cluster (docker-1.12+).
- Docker-1.12.0~rc4
- Adriano Vieira (adriano.svieira at gmail.com)
Built on CEntOS-7 as base Docker image.
Moreover, we also have debian8, python-2.7 and Ubuntu-16 Dockerfile to build images, but these ones aren't supported.
- standard and supported:
- centos7 (latest): built based on centos:7 image
Proof of Concept for image sizes:
- debian8: built based on debian:jessie image
- python27: built based on python:2.7 image
- ubuntu16: built based on ubuntu:xenial image
- Docker-1.12+ https://docker.com
First of all we need a host with Docker-1.12+ pre-installed and running. May be you could use one of my "Docker boxes" https://app.vagrantup.com/adrianovieira with built-in docker-1.12.
The docker images can be found on Docker Hub - https://hub.docker.com/r/adrianovieira/flask/
If you're familiar Docker with you could take it (e.g.: docker pull adrianovieira/flask
) and play around.
If not, let me know how I can improve this doc.
You'd take a look at my other project https://github.com/adrianovieira/docker-swarm.
If you are behind a proxy and is having problems pulling docker imagens... setup Systemd Docker own Service, as below (well done on CEntOS-7):
# setup docker service proxy (as root user)
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
echo "[Service]" > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf
echo "Environment='HTTPS_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY' 'HTTP_PROXY=$HTTP_PROXY'" >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart docker
keep CALMS and having fun