For the Harvard undergraduate course CS/STAT 184: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.
Run git clean -iX
to remove extra files not tracked by Git repository.
Written using Markdown and Jupyter Book.
Add the remote and push there to update the Overleaf.
git remote add overleaf
git push overleaf main:master
Create a new mamba environment (or conda if you prefer):
mamba create -f environment.yml
mamba activate rlbook
jb build book
open book/_build/html/index.html
_config.yml contains project configuration.
_toc.yml contains the table of contents.
Every new chapter must be added to the Makefile and to the table of contents.
Jupyter Book is a framework for building books from Jupyter Notebooks. It is essentially a bundle of Sphinx extensions that enable parsing Markdown (of the MyST flavor described below) and running Juypter Notebook code. Sphinx is a popular engine for generating documentation. It is used by many popular software projects (e.g. the Flask documentation). See how Jupyter Book and Sphinx relate to one another.
MyST (Markedly Structured Text) is a superset of CommonMark that supports tables, figures, etc., and especially a powerful system of directives. These include the original Sphinx directives as well as the code-cell
directive that allows MyST documents to be run as Jupyter notebooks via JupyText. For version control purposes, this is much more convenient than storing native Jupyter notebooks. MyST Markdown is not yet supported within the traditional Jupyter interface.
For converting existing TeX to MyST, use
pandoc -f latex -t commonmark_x input.tex -o --wrap=none
Some manual conversion may be required.
- Math and equations
- Enclose inline math in dollar signs.
$1 + 2 = 3$
- Use the
directive instead of LaTeX\label
- Enclose inline math in dollar signs.
- Proofs, Theorems, and Algorithms
- Sphinx Proof
- To cite an object, use the
inline role instead of Markdown reference - Supports
- To cite an object, use the
- Defining TeX macros
- Sphinx Proof
- Direct LaTeX Math
equation, multline, gather, align, alignat, flalign, matrix, pmatrix, bmatrix, Bmatrix, vmatrix, Vmatrix, eqnarray
will be directly parsed (no dollar signs required) and will work inside markdown components but cannot be labelled (needs themath
- Store code outputs and insert into content
- Notebooks written entirely in Markdown
- Converting Markdown to Jupytext:
jb myst init
ghp-import -n -p -f book/_build/html
Citations are kept in the references.bib file.
I recommend the MyST-Markdown VS Code extension.
## My header
Some text that refers to [the header above](my-label) or also to [another file](../1_topic/
And cites multiple papers like {cite}`silver_mastering_2016,mnih_playing_2013` using their citekeys from the BibTeX file
Figures and tables need to have a `:name:` property:
```{figure} ../path/to/image.jpg
:name: fig-label
This is the caption, which must exist in order for this figure to be referenced
Images can't be referenced:
```{image} ../images/fun-fish.png
:alt: fishy
:class: bg-primary mb-1
:width: 200px
:align: center
```{table} The caption under the table
:name: my-table-ref
| first name | last name |
| --- | --- |
| Alexander | Cai |
Then I can refer to figures and tables using [the same syntax as before](fig-label) (or a reference to [that table](my-table-ref)) or also as {numref}`fig-label` (shows "Fig. 1") or {numref}`my-table-ref` (shows "Table 1")
:label: my-equation
w^{t+1} = w^{t} - \nabla_w L(w^t)
And then refer to these using {eq}`my-equation` (note this uses the `eq` role)
Proofs and theorems are under the `prf` directive:
```{prf:theorem} My theorem
:label: my-theorem
This is the content of the theorem
And then refer to these using {prf:ref}`my-theorem` (note this uses the `prf:ref` role)
Punctuation should be included *inside formatting.*
- Always prefer inline roles to Markdown links.
- We use Plotly Express for plotting.