Development version of the R package TruncComp for two-sample comparison of truncated continuous outcomes.
To install the development version of TruncComp run the following commands from within R
#Define the two distributions for the observed data
f0 <- function(n) stats::rnorm(n, 3, 1)
f1 <- function(n) stats::rnorm(n, 3.5, 1)
#Define probabilities of being observed
pi0 <- 0.35
pi1 <- 0.6
#Simulate data
d <- TruncComp::simulateTruncatedData(25, f0, f1, pi0, pi1)
#Estimate parameters using the semi-parametric method
model <- truncComp(Y ~ R, atom = 0, data = d, method="SPLRT")
#Get marginal confidence intervals
confint(model, type="marginal")
#Get simultaneous confidence region
confint(model, type="simultaneous", plot=TRUE, resolution = 10)