Retrieve and summarize entity
##Coding Enviroment
- Ubuntu 16.04
- java 8
- Intellij 14.1.4
To setup the API follow these steps:
> git clone
> cd entitySummarization
> mvn compile
> mvn war:war
This will build the war file in the target directory. Copy the war into the deployment directory of your installed Java Servlet (e.g. apache-tomcat/webapps/) container.
##Methods The individual methods are accessible through URL once the REST API setup succeeded.
The URL is formatted as:
###Query the summary for an entity: Method name: entitySum
Parameters: {type, query, disambiguation}
Output: A string in JASON format as the example in the end of this readme.
##Entity Summarization class usage ###1. Creat an object:
> EntitySummarization es = new EntitySummarization();
###2. Load index:
> es.load_index("Movie");
###3. Summarize Given query
//parameters @1: query term, e.g. "Forrest Gump"
// @2: query type, e.g. "Movie" , this need to be one of the loaded index types
// @3: disambiguation page url, e.g. the corresponding DBpedia page ""
> String res = es.summarize("Forrest Gump", "Movie", "");
The returned string "res" is in json format, e.g.
"facts": [
"predicate": "name",
"object": "Forrest Gump"
"predicate": "genre",
"object": "Romance"
"predicate": "awards",
"object": "Won 6 Oscars."
} ]