This project is to solve the world ending in 2038. I was doing some googling about UNIX timestamps, and I found out that 32x systems won't really work after a certain date in 2038...
Well, you could make everyone move to 64x systems (not fun, as it won't be backwards-compatible), or make everyone adopt a new system. I wrote this package over a couple of hours to propose this as a possible solution. This allows for dates to be used as strings (which most solutions over a long-period of time supports). You could use this as a new way of doing it.
An example of this new system would be using the UNIX epoch: 1970:01:01:00:00:00:000
To break it down, every number is a part of a date,
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Millisecond
Feel free to browse this project to get an understanding of my date system