Event Sourcing with Orleans
- Run account sample locally
Create a docker network for pod communication and build both postgres and account containers
make build_account
Starts a localhost postgres server in docker with following config
. This db is persisted in local /tmp/ev_account directory. Delete this folder if a clean db is needed.make up_account_db
Starts account app with port 8001 (ex: dashboard url http://localhost:8001/dashborad)
make up_account1
Optionally start second instance of account
make up_account2
- starts account app with port 8002 (ex: dashboard url http://localhost:8002/dashborad)
To cleanup above steps
make cleanup_account
Set environment variable "ORLEANS_ENV" with value "LOCAL" - this is needed to switch orleans cluster config and database connection string to use local values.
If debugging using VSCODE this variable is already configured in .vscode/launch.json
Create db using docker or manually
make run_account_db
- To cleanup above
make cleanup_account_db
- Create a postgres database with name "postgresdb".
- Create username "postgresadmin" with password "postgrespwd" and give access to "postgresdb" database
CREATE USER postgresadmin WITH PASSWORD 'postgrespwd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE postgresdb to postgresadmin;
- In local database run script(s) in the following directories
- Create a postgres database with name "postgresdb".
Start application
cd src/examples/Account && dotnet run
Orleans Dashboard is available at - http://localhost:5000/dashboard
- Follow 'Running locally' steps 1-2
- Start Debugging in vscode by launching Launch account app. This is configured to debug examples/account
Deploy to k8s (using skaffold)
- Run
cd src/k8s && skaffold run
- Orleans Dashboard is available at - http://localhost/api/dashboard
In k8s access psql by port forwarding postgres port 5432 to local 5432 port.
Then use any postgres database GUI like azure data studio to access the db.
kubectl port-forward pods/postgres-demo-0 5432:5432 -n default
- database: postgresdb
- user: postgresadmin
- password: postgrespwd
- import globals.json for global variables
- import k8s.environment.json for k8s variables
- import local.environment.json for local variables
- import ORLEANS API.collection for endpoints