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As tutorial tools, this projet bootstrap modularized & complete spark/hadoop/ml environnement in single Dockerimage

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This Docker project provides a standalone and feature-rich Spark environment for ML development.


When setting up your machine, ensure you have the correct permissions for your SSH private key.

chmod 0400 <Key_name>

Note: This step isn't necessary on Windows as it emulates POSIX file permissions.

Testing Hadoop:

# First, fetch the dataset:

# Download the Docker image. Ensure you are using the latest version.
docker pull agileops/fastds-tutorial:latest

# Start YARN. Remember, $PWD denotes the current path. Load the desired folder for processing, such as $PWD/dataset for this project.
docker run --rm -d -p8888:8888 -p9000:9000 -p 8088:8088 -v $PWD/dataset:/work-dir/data -ti agileops/fastds-tutorial

# List all active Docker containers and identify the container ID of the most recent one.
docker ps

# Access your Docker container.
docker exec -ti <docker_container_id> bash

# Before uploading the dataset to HBase, create the parent directory.
hadoop fs -mkdir -p hdfs://localhost:9000/user/root

# Populate HDFS using local data. For additional commands:
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal data/ hdfs://localhost:9000/user/root/data

# Initiate a map/reduce job.
yarn jar $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar -input data/tpsgc-pwgsc_co-ch_tous-all.csv -output out -mapper /bin/cat -reducer /bin/wc

# Display files in the output directory.
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://localhost:9000/user/root/out

# Display results:
#1) Computation reference using the command line:
wc data/tpsgc-pwgsc_co-ch_tous-all.csv
# 361318 22527194 285375701
#2) Same computation using MapReduce (typically for large files):
hadoop fs -cat out/part-00000
# 361318 22527194 285375701

Testing Spark + Jupyter:

# First, fetch the dataset:

# Download the Docker image. Ensure you are using the latest version.
docker pull agileops/fastds-tutorial:latest

# Start YARN. Remember, $PWD denotes the current path. Load the desired folder for processing, such as $PWD/dataset for this project.
docker run --rm -d -p8888:8888 -p9000:9000 -p 8088:8088 -v $PWD/dataset:/work-dir/data -ti agileops/fastds-tutorial

# List all active Docker containers and identify the container ID of the most recent one.
docker ps

# 20 minutes after executing "docker run", retrieve the Jupyter URL from the logs:
docker logs -f

# Copy the provided URL and paste it into your browser. If you started this image on a remote server, replace "localhost" with your server's IP or domain name.

# Example:
# From the log, you might get a URL like:
# http://localhost:8888/?token=7aa1a049fc513d143b3d607447482ad58300941d3dee8cad

# For remote access, you should use:
# http://<ip_or_domain_name>:8888/?token=7aa1a049fc513d143b3d607447482ad58300941d3dee8cad

Note: For compatibility, accessibility, and simplicity against hardware and environmental requirements, both TensorFlow and PyTorch are configured without AVX and CUDA support.

Suggested Datasets

To download these datasets, use the following command after cloning this repository:

  • Canada - Contracts Granted from 2009-Present (270 MB) Link

  • Montréal - Bike Path Counting Link


As tutorial tools, this projet bootstrap modularized & complete spark/hadoop/ml environnement in single Dockerimage






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