This crate provides many methods for converting between color types.
Everything is implemented abstractly, and is easily extensible by the user.
When converting you call the from_color
method of the colortype struct on your color!
From | To | Method |
RGB | XYZ | Directly |
RGB | HSV | Directly |
RGB | HSL | Directly |
RGB | LCH | Through XYZ |
RGB | LAB | Through XYZ |
LAB | LCH | Directly |
RGB | YcBcR | Directly |
use colortypes::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// You can directly call Rgba this way (defaults to D65)
let color = Rgba::new::<D65>([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
// Or can call Color and specify Rgba this way
let color = Color::<Rgb, D65>::new([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
// To convert to Xyza
let new_color = Xyz::from_color(color);
// To adapt to a a new white point
let new_color = Xyz::adapt_chroma::<D50>(color);
// To clamp the values between a range
let new_color = color.clamp(0.0,1.0);
// To clamp the values within the color space
let new_color = color.clamp_to_gamut();
sqrt, cbrt, cos, cosh, acos, acosh, sin, sinh, asin, asinh, tan, tanh, atan, atanh,abs, floor, ceil, round, exp, exp2, exp_m1, ln, ln_1p, log2, log10, recip, signum, powf, atan2, log, max, min, hypot, div_euclid, rem_euclid, mul_add, clamp
let new_color = my_color.mul_add_color(my_other_color, my_third_color);
pub const MYCOLORSPACE: ColorGamut = ColorGamut {
// Here you construct the primaries in the xyY space
// Col3(x, y, Y)
primaries_xyy: [
Col3(0.7350, 0.2740, 0.1670),
Col3(0.2650, 0.7170, 0.0090),
Col3(0.176204, 0.812985, 0.010811),
// Here you reference the transfer functions
transfer_fn: srgb_companding,
transfer_fn_inv: srgb_inv_companding,
// This is the conversion matrix intended for use from
// XYZ to your color space
conversion: Mat3(
Col3(0.4887180, 0.3106803, 0.2006017),
Col3(0.1762044, 0.8129847, 0.0108109),
Col3(0.0000000, 0.0102048, 0.9897952),
// Here you not the reference white point used
white: E,
// With this you can define your own custom color space
impl_colorspace! {
[0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0],
// You'll notice
// [0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0, 0.0..1.0]
// These are the ranges for each channel
// Heres CIELCH for example
impl_colorspace! {
[0.0..100.0, 0.0..133.0, 0.0..360.0],
// Then you can implement your conversion method
impl_conversion!(|color: MyColorSpace| -> Rgb {
// Code to convert
// Construct your Color
Color::new([new_ch.0, new_ch.1, new_ch.2, color.3])
This crate also provides a type for dealing with images, it's still work in progress
use colortypes::{Align, Image, Rgba, Xyya, SRGB};
fn main() {
// Images can be constructed in two ways:
let mut img = Image::<Rgba, D65>::new((6000, 4000));
let mut img = Image::<Rgba, D65>::new_with((6000, 4000), Rgba::new([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]));
// You can place pixels and return pixels
img.put_pixel((0, 0), Rgba::new([0.7, 0.3, 0.2, 1.0])).unwrap();
img.get_pixel((0, 0)).unwrap();
let new_img = img.convert::<Xyya>();
let new_img_b = img.convert::<Xyya>();
let mut new_img = ((new_img + new_img_b) / 2.0).convert::<Rgba>();
new_img = new_img.crop_align((Align::Front, Align::Front), (256, 256));
let my_col = new_img.get_pixel((0, 0));
// There are various iteration methods
Iterator<&mut Color>
Iterator<(&Color, &Color)>
Iterator<(&mut Color, &Color)>
pixels_zip_mut(&mut Image)
Iterator<(&Color, &mut Color)>
pixels_mut_zip_mut(&mut Image)
Iterator<(&mut Color, &mut Color)>
Iterator<&mut Color>
map_pixels(FnMut(&Color) -> Color)
Iterator<(Color, &Color)>