Source Code:
Python client for the Ontology Lookup Service
Current status:
- Now that OLS4 is released and OLS3 is no longer updated, this client will only support OLS4 going forward
- Some API endpoints may not be implemented, or schemas not fully described - please open an issue if you want anything added.
- Type annotated so you know which parameters can be used for each endpoint
- Responses validated and parsed with pydantic for easy access to response data
from ols_py.client import Ols4Client
client = Ols4Client()
resp ="MC1R", params={"ontology": "go"})
term =[0]
# SearchResultItem(
# id=None, annotations=None, annotations_trimmed=None,
# description=['A rhodopsin-like G-protein ... gamma-melanocyte-stimulating hormone.'],
# iri='', label='melanocortin receptor',
# obo_id='PR:000001146', ontology_name='go', ontology_prefix='GO', subset=None,
# short_form='PR_000001146', synonyms=None, type='class'
pip install ols-py
- Clone this repository
- Requirements:
- Poetry
- Python 3.10+
- Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
- Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell
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pre-commit install -t pre-push
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