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This repository is an API-based solution enabling users to register and execute workflows seamlessly by integrating with the REANA execution system. It also offers the capability to capture and visualize data provenance of the workflow executions, based on the W3C-PROV standard.

The project consists of three key components:

  • FastAPI: Core component enabling RESTful API interactions with the platform.
  • Keycloak: Authentication and access control system ensuring secure user authentication and user grouping
  • MySQL Database: Database system serving as the backend for efficient data storage and retrieval.

All three components are deployed in a dockerized environment in order to ensure scalability, portability, and ease of management.

This work assumes a platform and core components in line with the architecture specified as part of the HEurope project AI4Europe.

Key Features

  • User authentication using keycloak
  • Workflow registration (CWL workflows are currently supported).
  • Integration with REANA system to execute previously registered workflows.
  • CRUD operations both for registered and executed workflows.
  • Data provenance for workflows executed within the REANA framework.
  • Visualization of data provenance by generating graph-based PNG representations, allowing for clear and intuitive exploration of workflow dependencies and data flow.


  • Linux / macOS
  • Python version >= 3.10 (preferably 3.10)
  • docker version >= 24.0.7
  • docker-compose version >= 1.29.2
  • Access to an operational REANA instance. You will need URL of the service along with the corresponding ACCESS TOKEN .

Local Installation

In order to install the platform locally, follow the steps outlined below

Clone the repository

git clone

Move into the local directory and create the new virtual environment

cd ReProv-API

Create a .env file

touch .env

Add values to the .env file

The values you add to the .env file are the ones that should be defined in order to run the application. Each value should follow the format KEY=VALUE, where KEY is the name of the environment variable and VALUE is its corresponding value.

Using your favorite editor, you have to adjust the following variables based on your system. Some things to consider are:

  1. Every environmental variable with the MYSQL prefix (except MYSQL_SERVER) can be configured as desired.
  2. Every environmental variable with the KEYCLOAK prefix (except KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME and KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD) must not be changed

Note that KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET must have empty value as demonstrated below




Create and start all 3 containers using docker-compose.

docker-compose up -d

If you want to delete all 3 containers without deleting the data created

docker-compose down

If you want to delete all 3 containers alongside with the data created

docker-compose down -v

If you want to further develop API

Create a new virtual environment

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies (this may take a few minutes)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start keycloak and database

docker-compose up -d prov-db prov-keycloak

Configure .env file again

Find the IP addresses of prov-keycloak and prov-db containers

prov_db_addr = $(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' prov-db)
prov_keycloak_addr = $(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' prov-keycloak)

Change the following variables at .env file


Run Uvicorn Server locally

cd src
uvicorn main:app --host= --port=8000 --reload --env-file ../.env

Once started, you should be able to

  1. Visit the REST API at http://localhost:8000/docs Instructions for using the API will be provided in the next sections
  2. Visit Keycloak at http://localhost:8080/ . In the current configuration Keylcoak is filled with 5 users and 2 groups. Each user has credentials of the form user_i / password_i where i $\in [1,\dots,5]$. You can have admin access by using the credentials defined above.



Fisrt thing that you have to do is authenticate from the API against Keycloak service. You'll find the authentication button located at the top right of the screen.


After you click on it, the authentication prompt will be opened. You have to add api to client_id field as it is demonstrated next.


Next, click authorize button and you will be redirected to keycloak to fill your credentials. In this example, we are using user_1 for user and password_1 for password.


Finally, if the credentials are correct, you are done with the authentication process and the following screen must appear.


Core Components of the API

Core components of our API are organized in the following categories:

  • Workflow Registry: Endpoints that allow registration and management of workflows
  • Workflow Execution: Endpoints that allow execution and monitoring of workflows
  • Provenance: Endpoints that allow capture and visualization of data provenance for previously executed workflows

Workflow Registry

Each workflow that is registered in our platform is associated with the following information:

  • name: User provided name for the new entry in registry

  • version: User provided version for the new entry in registry

    • Note that combination of name and version must be unique
  • spec_file: Content of workflow specification file (CWL file). Each spec_file must be organized as following:

    • Each workflow defined must include a requirements section.
    • The requirements section specifies the Docker image that provides the needed environment for executing the workflow.
    • The workflow should consist of CommandLineTools.
    • CommandLineTools should utilize executables either from:
      • Previously defined Docker images.
      • Linux basic commands available in the execution environment.
      • you can see an example here:
    • A special feature is the fact that user is allowed to specify inputs for the workflow by using entities that are defined in the AIoD platform using the corresponding URL of the entity. Using the keyword valueFromPlatform on the inputs section of the workflow it is possible to have interaction between different workflows. Syntax is presented below:
    - id: input_file
        type: File
        valueFromPlatform: "{{<URL>}}"  
    • you can see an example here:
  • input_file: Input file in YAML format that allows workflow to use non-default values for its variables.

    • you can see an example here:

Workflow Execution

Each workflow that is executed is associated with the following information:

  • registry_id: ID from Workflow Registry that specifies which workflow will be executed
  • start_time: When the workflow execution started
  • end_time: When the workflow execution ended
  • status: Status of the execution
  • REANA information:
    • reana_id : ID assigned to the execution by REANA system
    • reana_name : Name assigned to the execution by REANA system
    • reana_run_number Run number assigned to the execution by REANA system. If you execute the same workflow multiple times, reana_run_number will be incremented each time by 1.

For each workflow execution, we also capture information for each individual step:

  • name Name of the step
  • status Status of the step
  • start_time When the step started
  • end_time When the step ended


Basic components of data provenance are Entities and Activities as described in W3C-PROV standard. In order to "map" our workflows with those components we make the following assumptions:

  • Every registered workflow is an Entity.
  • Every execution of a workflow is an Activity.
  • Every execution of a step of a workflow is an Activity.
  • Every activity used some (0 or more) entities.
  • Every activity generated some (0 or more) entities.


Workflow Registry

  • /workflow_registry

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieve all workflows that are registered in our platform

    Parameters: None


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflows successfully retrieved JSON containing registered workflows
    False 401 Not authenticated None

  • /workflow_registry{registry_id}

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieve registered workflow with id = {registry_id}


    name type
    registry_id int


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflow was successfully retrieved JSON containing registered workflow
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid registry_id None

  • /workflow_registry/register

    • Method: POST
    • Description: Register a new workflow in the platform


    name type
    name string
    version int
    spec_file File
    input_file (optional) File


    success code message data
    True 200 New Workflow was successfully registered JSON containing information
    about new workflow registered
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 400 Integrity error. Duplicate name and version combination None

  • /workflow_registry/update/{registry_id}

    • Method: PUT
    • Description: Update workflow with id = {registry_id}. This endpoint will only update fields where new values were provided.


    name type
    registry_id int
    name (optional) string
    version (optional) int
    spec_file (optional) File
    input_file (optional) File


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflow was succesfully updated None
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid registry_id None

  • /workflow_registry/delete/{registry_id}

    • Method: DELETE
    • Description: Delete workflow with id = {registry_id}.


    name type
    registry_id int


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflow was succesfully deleted None
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid registry_id None

Workflow Execution

  • /workflow_execution/

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieves every execution that has occurred using a workflow from our registry.

    Parameters: None


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflow executions retrieved successfully JSON containing executed workflows
    False 401 Not authenticated None

  • /workflow_execution/{execution_id}

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Retrieve executed workflow with id = {execution_id}


    name type
    execution_id int


    success code message data
    True 200 Workflow execution successfully retrieved JSON containing executed workflow
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid execution_id None

  • /workflow_execution/execute/{registry_id}

    • Method: POST
    • Description: Execute workflow with id = {registry_id} by invoking REANA system


    name type
    registry_id int


    success code message data
    True 200 New workflow started JSON containing information about the execution that has just began
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid registry_id None
    False 404 Invalid entity id in placeholder None
    False 503 Problem while creating / running REANA workflow None

  • /workflow_execution/delete/

    • Method: DELETE
    • Description: Delete every workflow execution that was associated with registry_id OR with a name provided by the REANA system


    name type
    registry_id (optional) int
    reana_name (optional) str


    success code message data
    True 200 Every workflow associated with {registry_id} / {reana_name}
    was successfully deleted"
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 403 Either provide registry_id OR reana_name but not both None
    False 404 Invalid registry_id / reana_name None
    False 503 Problem while deleting REANA workflow None

  • /workflow_execution/inputs/

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Download input files of a previously executed workflow with specific reana_name and reana_run_number


    name type
    reana_name (optional) str
    reana_run_number (optional) int


    success code message data
    True 200 None Zipped file containing input files
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid reana_name and reana_run_number combination None
    False 409 Workflow must be finished in order to download input files None

  • /workflow_execution/outputs/

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Download output files of a previously executed workflow with specific reana_name and reana_run_number


    name type
    reana_name str
    reana_run_number int


    success code message data
    True 200 None Zipped file containing output files
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 404 Invalid reana_name and reana_run_number combination None
    False 409 Workflow must be finished in order to download output files None


  • /provenance/capture/

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Capture provenance for workflow with specific reana_name and reana_run number.


    name type
    reana_name str
    reana_run_number int


    success code message data
    True 200 Provenance retrieved successfully None
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 403 Provenance was captured before None
    False 404 Invalid reana_name and reana_run_number combination None
    False 409 Workflow must be finished in order to capture provenance None

  • /provenance/draw/

    • Method: GET
    • Description: Create a graphical represenation of provenance for workflow with specific reana_name and reana_run number by utilizing the PyProv module.


    name type
    reana_name str
    reana_run_number int


    success code message data
    True 200 None PNG file containing graphical representation of provenance
    False 401 Not authenticated None
    False 403 Provenance was captured before None
    False 404 Invalid reana_name and reana_run_number combination None

Two example outputs can be seen here:


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