Get Started Locally:
- Clone Repository
- Turn on your audio (Optional... but highly reccomended!)
- Open public/index.html with a server of your choice in your web browser
http-server public/
- Enjoy
A trimmed down and spruced up version of the game to celebrate 8 years in the industry.
- Added a new line of questions
- Upgraded Bootstrap to v5.3.3
- Upgraded JQuery to 3.7.1
This game started as one of my first ever web projects and was my first application of HTML, CSS, Javsacript and JQuery. This was my beginning.
In 2023 I have started to revisit this project for some fun and upgraded the libraries used and refactored to make them work.
- Performance optimize the game by running Lighthouse Audits
- Make the game competitive/two player
- Add a high-score table, or way of saving/sharing a score result
- CSS3
Bootstrap 3.3.7- Bootstrap Upgraded to 5.0.2
JQuery 3.1- jQuery Upgraded to 3.6.3
Resources referred to include: