vim-colorful-go is an addendum to vim-go's syntax highlighting. This plugin assumes you have vim-go installed and is untested outside that assumption.
Before | After |
Mostly, this plugin highlights non-native types when appropriate. It assumes
formatting matches the output of gofmt
vim-colorful-go also uses the same highlighting option flags as vim-go
Some things that are now highlighted:
- types in
type (...)
blocks - type declarations in structs
- types in function parameters
- types in function returns
- literal struct fields
- ..probably more I can't remember
vim-colorful-go follows the standard runtime path structure. You may use your favorite package manager. Below are some helper lines for popular package managers:
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-colorful-go
- vim-plug
Plug 'ajswis/vim-colorful-go'
- Vim packages
git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-colorful-go