custom made EPS8266 firmware for OpenTherm Adapter ( Connects to Home Assistant and Domoticz using MQTT autodiscovery, but can also be controled with HTTP or the builtin UI
Home Assistant Example: (see sample YAML on the bottom of this document)
Basically a HTTP and MQTT wrapper around
- The firmware sets up a connection with the boiler
- And then boiler can be controlled using HTTP, MQTT or the builtin UI (http://domesphelper or http://IP_adress_of_device)
- Autodiscovery supported, so easy integration for Domoticz and/or Home Assistant
- Made to work perfectly for domoticz weather dependent heating plugin (,
- As of release 1.0, the thermostat functionality is also included in the firmware itself, See thermostat mode
Controlling the boiler commands:
- http://domesphelper/GetSensors will return a JSON formatted status of all sensors
- http://domesphelper/command allows you to control the boiler (response also gives JSON formatted status of alle sensors):
- HotWater=<on|off> will enable or disable DHT
- CentralHeating=<on|off> will enable or disable Central Heating
- Cooling=<on|off> will enable or disable heating
- BoilerTemperature= will set the setpoint for the boiler temperature
- DHWTemperature= will set the setpoint for the Hot Water temperature
- e.g. http://domesphelper/command?Hotwater=on&BoilerTemperature=50 will enable hot water and set boiler temperature to 50. The other steering vars remain unchanged NOTE: The command should be repeated every 10 seconds, otherwise the Boiler will switch off heating/cooling automatically
Managing the device (are used by the UI):
- http://domesphelper/info gives a lot of technical info on the device
- http://domesphelper/getconfig retrieves the configuration file (e.g. with MQTT settings)
- http://domesphelper/saveconfig stores the configuration file (e.g. with MQTT settings) and reboot
- http://domesphelper/removeconfig deleters the config
- http://domesphelper/ResetWifiCredentials will clear wifi credentials and reboots the device, making the wifimanager portal to re-appear so you can add new WIFI connection settings
- http://domesphelper/reset reboots the device
The following device are created using MQTT autodiscovery in domoticz and home assistant
- An EnableHotWater device: Set to ON if your heating/cooling system should produce warm water when needed
- An EnableCooling device: Set to ON if your heating/cooling system start cooling when needed
- An EnableCentralHeating device: Set to ON if your heating/cooling system
- A Boiler setpoint device: Set the temperature to which you want the heating/cooling system to heat or cool
- A HotWater Setpoint device: (if supported by your boiler): The to be temperature of the hot water reserve in your heating/cooling system
- Several sensors containing the state of the heating/cooling system NOTE: The command should be repeated every 10 seconds, otherwise the Boiler will switch off heating/cooling automatically
Additional 3 more devices :
- a Climate setpoint Device (when you want to use the firmware in thermostat mode)
- a Holiday Mode switch: Prevents heating when in themostat mode (only frostprotection)
- a Weather Dependent Mde switch: When in thermostat mode decides wheter to use the PID regulator or the Weather Dependent mode, where the boiler setpoint is derived from the outside temperature
- Connect your OpenTherm adapter to the Wemos D1 mini and the boiler, according to
- Connect your Wemos D1 to the USB of your laptop/pc
- A new com port should now be available on your system. If not, install CH340 drivers (
- Install Arduino IDE (
- Within Arduino IDE,
- Add support of your ESP8266 board by adding in the Arduino board management settings (menu File, Settings, "more boardmanager urls")
- Install the following libraries if they are not present on your system (menu Tools / Manage Libraries in Arduino IDE):
- WiFiManager by Tzapu
- OpenTherm by Ihor Melnyk
- ArduinoJson (be Benoit Blanchon)
- DallasTemperature (by Miles Burton)
- OneWire (by Paul Stoffregen)
- PubSubClient (by Nick O'Leary)
- do a "git clone"
- using arduino open the .ino file in the cloned dir
- Open the board manager (menu Tools / Board / Board Manager)
- Search for ESP8266 and click install, then close
- Select your Board type, "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini" if you use a Wemos D1 but in principle any ESP8266 board should work (menu Tools/Board)
- Select the com Port to which your wemos is connected (menu Tools / Port)
- Upload the firmware to your Wemos (menu Sketch / Upload)
For connecting to wifi:
- on your laptop/PC: connect to a WiFi Access Point called "Thermostat"
- browse to
- follow instructions to connect the ESP to correct WiFi network
- After the ESP is connected, connect to your normal Wifi Access Point again
- Enter http://domesphelper.local, http://domesphelper or http://domesphelper.home (whatever your local domain is in your network) in your browser to connect to the device.
- If all went correct you should now see a "File not found" error including some buttons to upload files (go to next step), on that page: Upload index.html, index.css and favicon.ico
(After you've complete the installation, see above):
- Enter http://domesphelper.local, http://domesphelper or http://domesphelper.home (whatever your local domain is in your network) in your browser
- See below for an explanation of the settings (make sure you configure the MQTT settings and a MQTT temperature topic if you want to be able to control the thermostat from domoticz and/or home assistant)
- you can also use this page to control the boiler or thermostat directly
- MQTT should be switched on
- MQTT temperature topic: should be either
- the MQTT State topic of your temperature sensor
- The IDX of your domoticz device (it will listen to domoticz/out. Note, this is not recommended, cause the device than has to check every domoticz device update on if it's the temperature sensor, which will make the device very slow if domoticz has many device updates!)
- leave empty (it will use the internal dallastemperature sensor connected to the device, so the DS18B20 pin should be configured correctly. This is also not recommended, cause the temperature of the ESP influences the temperature sensor)
About the mqtt temperature topic: If you want to use a domoticz sensor to be used, there are several options available, but this is the best way to do it:
- Install Mosquitto (or another MQTT broker) of you did not yet install a MQTT broker
- Setup both the "MQTT Client gateway with LAN interface" and the "MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway" in domoticz (only if these aren't configured yet) and for bth: Set the Adress, port (and optionally username/password) to match your MQTT server settings.
- Set the Publish Topic setting for the MQTT Client Gateway to "Index (with Retain)".
- In the settings of this ESP firmware: Set the MQTT switch to on, and the MQTT temperature Topic to "domoticz/out/"
- MinBoilerTemp & MaxBoilerTemp: The thermostat will limit the setpoint for the boiler between these 2 values
- MiminumTemp difference: Heating will only be switched on if the boiler setpoint if this amount above the reference room temperature
- Frostprotection setpoint: If thermostat switched off, heating will still be on if reference termperature below this point
- PID parameters: Leave to 30 (KP), 0.03 (KI) and 2.5(KD), unless you know what you are doing. The software contains a regular PID controller ( So with KP, KI and KD you can tweak the mechanism to your needs
- BoilerTempAtPlus20 and BoilerTempAtMinus10: Basic data for the boiler firing line
- Curvature: Can curve the boiler firing line (basically meaning the boiler setpoint will go up earlier)
- Switchheatingoffat: Disable the heating when the outside temp is above this value
- Refroomcompensation: Can change the boiler setpoint if the reference room temperature is lower than the climate setpoint
The device can be controlled either by the MQTT devices (see above) or by navigating to the homepage
- Using a browser, navigate to http://domesphelper/config.json.
- Copy and past the json and store it on a save position
- Alternatively you could write a script which does a curl or a wget command to get http://domesphelper/config.json
- Upload your saved config.json file on http://domesphelper/upload
You can make a very nice heating control dashboard (see example on top of this readme) like this when using home assistant:
- Install the device and connect to MQTT as described above under Installation
- In Home Assistant:
- add the MQTT integration
- make sure your room temperature is available in MQTT, e.g. by using the automation below (paragraph sample Automation to export temperature to MQTT), but if the sensor is already on mqtt, you can ofcourse use it's native topic
- Configure your dashboard using the dashboard editor (see sample YAML below for the dashboard on top of this page)
- ofcourse make sure in the settings of this firmware that the MQTT topic is the same as the one as your automation exports the room temperature to..
alias: <<name of your automation>>
description: >-
<<description of your automation>>
- trigger: state
- sensor.<<name of your room temperature sensor>>
conditions: []
- action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
topic: <<the topic you want to use for exporting the temperature>>
payload: >-
{ "value": "{{states("sensor.<<name of your temperature sensor>>") }}" }
mode: single
- title: C.V.
path: c-v
- square: false
type: grid
columns: 1
- type: thermostat
entity: climate.domesphelper_climate
- type: climate-hvac-modes
- 'off'
- heat
- cool
- auto
- type: entities
- entity: light.domesphelper_weatherdependentmode
name: Weersfhankelijk stoken
icon: mdi:heat-wave
- entity: light.domesphelper_holidaymode
icon: mdi:account-group
name: Vakantiemodus
- entity: >-
- entity: sensor.domesphelper_outside_temperature
name: Buitentemperatuur
- type: entities
- entity: sensor.garage_pir_garage_garage_pir_garage_temperature_air
- entity: climate.domesphelper_boiler_setpoint
icon: mdi:heat-wave
name: CV warmtevraag
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_flameactive
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_hotwateractive
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_centralheatingactive
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_diagnosticactive
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_frostprotectionactive
- entity: sensor.domesphelper_modulation
- entity:
- entity: binary_sensor.domesphelper_faultactive
- entity: sensor.domesphelper_faultcode
title: CV Sensoren
- type: grid
square: false
columns: 1
- type: entities
- entity: number.domesphelper_minimumboilertemp
- entity: number.domesphelper_maximumboilertemp
- entity: number.domesphelper_minimumtempdifference
- entity: number.domesphelper_frostprotectionsetpoint
title: Generieke Boiler Instellingen
- type: entities
- number.domesphelper_kp
- number.domesphelper_ki
- number.domesphelper_kd
title: PID parameters
- type: entities
- number.domesphelper_boilertempatplus20
- number.domesphelper_boilertempatminus10
- select.domesphelper_curvature
- number.domesphelper_switchheatingoffat
- number.domesphelper_referenceroomcompensation
title: Weersafhankelijke Stooklijn