ENPM 661 PROJECT 2 : Implementation of Dijkstra Algorithm for point and rigid robot for an obstacle workspace
DESCRIPTION - The python program to perform Dijkstra algorithm for a point/rigid robot based on user's input. The algorithms are run in an obstacle filled environment composed of a rectangle, circle, ellipse,rhombus and a polygon. The algorithm finds the shortest path to goal node from the start node(both user provided) and displays the explored nodes and the path.
Upon the running the code the user is prompted to provide a number of inputs. The sample usecase has been provided below -
Point Robot
Please enter start point x coordinate -->
5(**press Enter)
Please enter start point y coordinate -->
5(**press Enter)
Please enter goal point x coordinate -->
295(**press Enter)
Please enter goal point y coordinate -->
195(**press Enter)
Rigid Robot
Please enter radius of the robot: -->
2(**then press Enter)
**** for rigid robot enter a non zero radius****
Please enter the clearance:-->
1(**then press Enter)
Please enter start point x coordinate -->
5(**press Enter)
Please enter start point y coordinate -->
5(**press Enter)
Please enter goal point x coordinate -->
295(**press Enter)
Please enter goal point y coordinate -->
195(**press Enter)
For the Rigid robot, we have added the clearence to all the obstacles, but the clearence is also in black colour. Thus the clearence and the real obstacle region is of the same colour.