Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your system
- Node.js (v16 or above)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
- pgadmin4
Clone the project to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
cd Workspace
Install both server and client dependencies using the following command:
npm install
Download and install pgadmin, a powerful tool to manage your PostgreSQL database. Execute the SQL commands provided in queries.sql, to set up the required tables and schema.
Start the server and client simultaneously using the following command:
npm start
Effortlessly manage your daily activities with Current Schedule by adding current, missed, or upcoming activities. This feature ensures precision, flexibility, and seamless activity handling.
Update, complete, skip, or delete activities in real time.
Automatically track activities based on their start, end, and current time for accuracy.
Prompts users to skip or complete recurring activities, reinforcing discipline and consistency.
Attach documents, images, or videos for real-time access to resources. Uploaded files are accessible only on the device where they were added and remain available as long as the activity persists.
Add specific notes (up to 10,000 characters) for each activity to keep essential details handy.
Visualize your daily workload with status updates using color-coded tabs, creating a sense of urgency and accountability.
Build consistency and achieve long-term goals with Daily Activities, designed for recurring tasks that contribute to personal growth.
Schedule activities that repeat daily to cultivate habits and accomplish objectives.
Easily track progress using a color-coded status bar that shows whether activities are completed, skipped, or in progress.
Stay focused and minimize distractions with Quick Session, a feature designed to enhance concentration and productivity for short work bursts.
Allocate specific time slots to work on one or multiple activities, ideal for short-term goals or time-limited activities.
Schedule short break, at the end of the session to recharge and improve cognitive performance.
Create a focused workspace with minimal interruptions and continued focus for few hours, targeting a handy of activities, enabling better time management.
Integrates seamlessly with the Current Schedule to group and prioritize activities under a single session.
Gain insights into your productivity trends and track long-term progress with Streak and Progress.
View total time spent on activities based on their priority to ensure focus on high-priority activities.
Monitor daily streaks for daily/recurring activities and maintain longer streaks to reinforce habits.
Track the ratio of completed vs. skipped activities, boosting motivation and accountability and foster a sense of accomplishment by having more activities completed over skipped activities every day to stay consistent and engaged.
Ensure no activity is left behind with Missed Activities, a feature designed to help users adapt and recover any missed activities.
Move/add missed activities to the Current Schedule with ease.
Stay on track/get back on track by rescheduling incomplete activities.
Plan your future activities with Plan Ahead, offering advanced scheduling options to ensure smooth workflow.
Add activities up to seven days in advance, which will automatically integrate into the Current Schedule on the specified day.
Manage upcoming activities efficiently to avoid last-minute rushes.
Structure your day for maximum productivity using a session-based approach.
Divide your day into structured work sessions, each followed by a break for rest and better cognitive perfomance.
Increase focus and minimize distractions by working in defined intervals, gradually extending work sessions with improved concentration.
Maintain a balanced daily routine by alternating focused work periods with restful breaks.
Treat your day as a series of planned sessions, like a school schedule, where each block of time is dedicated to specific activities. This encourages optimal time utilization and minimizes wasted hours.