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Gamma Protocol
August 2021
Daniel Luca
Andrei Simion

Table of Contents


Issues Summary

Informational 2 0
Minor 2 0
Medium 3 0
Major 0 0

Executive summary

This report represents the results of the engagement with Opyn to review Gamma Protocol.

The review was conducted over the course of 2 weeks from August 16 to August 27, 2021. A total of 20 person-days were spent reviewing the code.

Week 1

During the first week, we started to get familiarized with the code and the project. We reviewed the code from the beginning to the end of the week.

We set up a few meetings throughout the week to discuss the code and learn how to navigate the codebase. We also discussed the project goals and the project scope.

We identified a few minor issues that we presented to the development team. A few of the already implemented and deployed features needed more clarification in terms of how they are currently configured, and how they fit into the overall project.

Week 2

We continued to keep communication open with the development team while navigating the code and trying out different attack vectors.

Even though the project has a lot of code, the way it is structured makes it easy to navigate and understand. Some of its parts exist outside of the blockchain context, meaning that they push trusted data into the chain, which then is used to calculate different security parameters.

During the final days of the week we finalized the report and presented it to the client.


The initial review focused on the Gamma Protocol repository, identified by the commit hash 67a2bff57ec49c4bb7c9c454c8ad945fd5bdcf51.

We focused on manually reviewing the codebase, searching for security issues such as, but not limited to, re-entrancy problems, transaction ordering, block timestamp dependency, exception handling, call stack depth limitation, integer overflow/underflow, self-destructible contracts, unsecured balance, use of origin, costly gas patterns, architectural problems, code readability.


  • core/AddressBook.sol
  • core/Controller.sol
  • core/MarginCalculator.sol
  • core/MarginPool.sol
  • core/Otoken.sol
  • external/callees/PermitCallee.sol
  • libs/MarginVault.sol
  • other contracts supporting these files


  • Everything else


Issue status: Open Medium


donate function seems to allow users to donate an _amount of tokens of _asset to the margin pool:


     * @notice send asset amount to margin pool
     * @dev use donate() instead of direct transfer() to store the balance in assetBalance
     * @param _asset asset address
     * @param _amount amount to donate to pool
    function donate(address _asset, uint256 _amount) external {
        pool.transferToPool(_asset, msg.sender, _amount);

transferToPool is used in order to transfer the tokens from the user to the pool. This function takes care of the internal accounting inside the MarginPool contract and updates the assetBalance accordingly:


    function transferToPool(
        address _asset,
        address _user,
        uint256 _amount
    ) public onlyController {
        require(_amount > 0, "MarginPool: transferToPool amount is equal to 0");
        assetBalance[_asset] = assetBalance[_asset].add(_amount);

        // transfer _asset _amount from _user to pool
        ERC20Interface(_asset).safeTransferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount);

We believe that the farm function was intended to be the one that would allow a designated farm account to withdraw the funds that were donated into the pool (ie. the difference between what is in the contract and assetBalance):


        uint256 externalBalance = ERC20Interface(_asset).balanceOf(address(this));
        uint256 storedBalance = assetBalance[_asset];

        require(_amount <= externalBalance.sub(storedBalance), "MarginPool: amount to farm exceeds limit");

        ERC20Interface(_asset).safeTransfer(_receiver, _amount);

However, the issue is that because transferToPool also updates the internal accounting in the assetBalance mapping, the require at line L176 in MarginPool contract will fail for any value of _amount higher than 0. Because the difference between the funds in the contract (externalBalance ) and the amount accounted in the assetBalance mapping (storedBalance) will be 0 (*). This leads to the situation where the donated funds are stuck in the contract:


        require(_amount <= externalBalance.sub(storedBalance), "MarginPool: amount to farm exceeds limit");

(*) this is true as long as users follow the recommendation in the donate documentation and only send transfers via this function. Any tokens sent directly to the MarginPool by use of transfer can actually be withdrawn / farmed.


Since this is a live contract and other systems might already be aware of the external donate function, it might make sense to just do a ERC20Interface(_asset).safeTransfer call directly, without calling the transferToPool. This way, when the farm function is called, the ERC20Interface(_asset).balanceOf call in MarginPool contract will indeed be higher than the assetBalance[_asset] and the difference can be farmed.

After further discussion with the development team, we understood the purpose of the donate method was to add funds to the protocol when it is under collateralized to cover for the missing funds. Anyone can call this method because they plan to have an emergency plan to add funds in the vault.

Issue status: Open Medium


Any actor can call Controller.donate() to push some ERC20 tokens into the pool.


     * @notice send asset amount to margin pool
     * @dev use donate() instead of direct transfer() to store the balance in assetBalance
     * @param _asset asset address
     * @param _amount amount to donate to pool
    function donate(address _asset, uint256 _amount) external {
        pool.transferToPool(_asset, msg.sender, _amount);

        emit Donated(msg.sender, _asset, _amount);

There are other instances where tokens are pushed into the pool, but an additional whitelist validation is done in each case.



     * @notice deposit a long oToken into a vault
     * @dev only the account owner or operator can deposit a long oToken, cannot be called when system is partiallyPaused or fullyPaused
     * @param _args DepositArgs structure
    function _depositLong(Actions.DepositArgs memory _args)


        require(whitelist.isWhitelistedOtoken(_args.asset), "C17");


        pool.transferToPool(_args.asset, _args.from, _args.amount);



     * @notice deposit a collateral asset into a vault
     * @dev only the account owner or operator can deposit collateral, cannot be called when system is partiallyPaused or fullyPaused
     * @param _args DepositArgs structure
    function _depositCollateral(Actions.DepositArgs memory _args)


        require(whitelist.isWhitelistedCollateral(_args.asset), "C21");


        pool.transferToPool(_args.asset, _args.from, _args.amount);

In order to keep the same rigorous accounting of only whitelisted tokens being accounted for in the pool, a whitelist check should be done in donate before transferring tokens.


Add an additional require check to validate the transferred token to the pool in the method donate.

Issue status: Open Medium


A user can call Controller.sync() to update their vault's latest timestamp.


     * @notice sync vault latest update timestamp
     * @dev anyone can update the latest time the vault was touched by calling this function
     * vaultLatestUpdate will sync if the vault is well collateralized
     * @param _owner vault owner address
     * @param _vaultId vault id
    function sync(address _owner, uint256 _vaultId) external nonReentrant notFullyPaused {
        _verifyFinalState(_owner, _vaultId);
        vaultLatestUpdate[_owner][_vaultId] = now;

This timestamp is important when a vault is liquidated. The method MarginCalculator.isLiquidatable needs the vault's timestamp to be in the past as compared to the current timestamp.


        // check that price timestamp is after latest timestamp the vault was updated at
            timestamp > _vaultLatestUpdate,
            "MarginCalculator: auction timestamp should be post vault latest update"

If the vault was at some point in the past liquidatable, but now it isn't anymore, it could be liquidated, unless the user (or a benefactor) updates the user's vault by calling Controller.sync(address _owner, uint256 _vaultId).

Also, if anyone is watching the blockchain and they see a transaction in the mempool calling Controller.sync() they can assume (and verify) if that vault could be liquidated. They could front-run the Controller.sync() transaction and liquidate the vault before the timestamp is updated.

The method seems to be vulnerable to front-running attacks.


Liquidating a user could check if the user can be liquidated at the time of the execution. This way, the user can't be front-run when trying to sync their vaults.

Issue status: Open Minor


notPartiallyPaused modifier calls _isNotPartiallyPaused function in order to ensure that the state variable systemPartiallyPaused is not set to true:


    modifier notPartiallyPaused {



    function _isNotPartiallyPaused() internal view {
        require(!systemPartiallyPaused, "C4");

_isNotPartiallyPaused is an internal view function and is not called by any other function. This means that there is added gas costs but also mental energy expenditure for readers of the code and developers maintaining the contract.

The same logic applies to notFullyPaused and onlyAuthorized (they make use internal view functions which are called only from the modifier).


Include the require logic directly in the modifiers and delete the obsolete internal functions.

Issue status: Open Minor


A user can open a vault by calling Controller.operate() with a list of actions. One of those actions can be an open vault action.


     * @notice execute a number of actions on specific vaults
     * @dev can only be called when the system is not fully paused
     * @param _actions array of actions arguments
    function operate(Actions.ActionArgs[] memory _actions) external nonReentrant notFullyPaused {
        (bool vaultUpdated, address vaultOwner, uint256 vaultId) = _runActions(_actions);

Each of those actions is executed in the controller, in the internal method Controller._runActions.

If the action type is equal to Actions.ActionType.OpenVault, a new vault is opened for the user.


            if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.OpenVault) {

But first the arguments needed are parsed by Actions._parseOpenVaultArgs.


     * @notice parses the passed in action arguments to get the arguments for an open vault action
     * @param _args general action arguments structure
     * @return arguments for a open vault action
    function _parseOpenVaultArgs(ActionArgs memory _args) internal pure returns (OpenVaultArgs memory) {

The vault type is encoded in the property.


        if ( == 32) {
            // decode vault type from
            vaultType = abi.decode(, (uint256));

        // for now we only have 2 vault types
        require(vaultType < 2, "A3");

This value is checked to be valid (only type 0 and 1 accepted), but it defaults to 0. If the encoded sent data is invalid, the type defaults to 0. If the is not of size 32, the vault type defaults to 0.


It might help ensure the encoded data is valid by having a stricter validation of the input data.

A similar check is already done in _parseLiquidateArgs.


        require( == 32, "A21");

Issue status: Open Informational


A user can call operate with a number of actions they want to execute in one transaction.


     * @notice execute a number of actions on specific vaults
     * @dev can only be called when the system is not fully paused
     * @param _actions array of actions arguments
    function operate(Actions.ActionArgs[] memory _actions) external nonReentrant notFullyPaused {
        (bool vaultUpdated, address vaultOwner, uint256 vaultId) = _runActions(_actions);
        if (vaultUpdated) {
            _verifyFinalState(vaultOwner, vaultId);
            vaultLatestUpdate[vaultOwner][vaultId] = now;

These actions can be very specific to the system currently being reviewed, but they can also be more generic. The generic actions can be specified by sending an action of type Actions.ActionType.Call.


            } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) {

The method _call does an external call to a specified contract.



This can be used as a callback function to trigger external code the user needs in between the vault-related actions.

There is also a modifier on top of this method that only allows a specific set of external contracts or any contract.


     * @notice modifier to check if the called address is a whitelisted callee address
     * @param _callee called address
    modifier onlyWhitelistedCallee(address _callee) {
        if (callRestricted) {
            require(_isCalleeWhitelisted(_callee), "C3");


This functionality is significantly restricted in a few ways:

  • Controller contract calls only a specific method of the destination contract .callFunction
  • list of arguments is fixed and already set up (msg.sender,

The result of the execution is not processed in any way. Whether the call fails or succeeds, the execution is not affected.

Consider the following setup which makes an external call and emits different events based on the execution result.

contract External {
    bool public shouldFail;
    function setFail(bool _shouldFail) public {
        shouldFail = _shouldFail;
    function maybeFail() public {
        if (shouldFail) {
            revert("Emitted error");

contract Caller {
    External public e;
    constructor () {
        e = new External();
    function callMaybeFail() external {
        try e.maybeFail() {
            emit Success();
        } catch Error(string memory _reason) {
            emit ResultString(false, _reason);
        } catch (bytes memory _lowLevelReason) {
            emit ResultBytes(false, _lowLevelReason);
    event ResultBytes(bool, bytes);
    event ResultString(bool, string);
    event Success();

The example above lets the contract behave differently based on the success of the execution. It is unclear whether this additional functionality is needed or required in the current context. Additional complexity needs to be added in order to complete the functionality.

Extreme care needs to be taken if the external call functionality is extended.

In its current form, it seems like a very limited type of functionality, but an extension of this functionality easily brings major security problems.

A clearer, more specific description of the required functionality needs to be reviewed before implementing anything else in this direction.


Consider reviewing a more specific implementation plan before going forward with this functionality.

Issue status: Open Informational


The contract PermitCallee uses the EIP-2612: permit – 712-signed approvals standard to update the allowance for a user, using a provided signature.


 * @title PermitCallee
 * @author Opyn Team
 * @dev Contract for executing permit signature
contract PermitCallee is CalleeInterface {
    function callFunction(address payable _sender, bytes memory _data) external override {
            address token,
            address owner,
            address spender,
            uint256 amount,
            uint256 deadline,
            uint8 v,
            bytes32 r,
            bytes32 s
        ) = abi.decode(_data, (address, address, address, uint256, uint256, uint8, bytes32, bytes32));

        IERC20PermitUpgradeable(token).permit(owner, spender, amount, deadline, v, r, s);

This standard isn't officially recommended anymore and will likely change in the future. This might be because of EIP-3074: AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes.


Consider deprecating or not relying too much on the currently implemented functionality and consider using the more flexible EIP-3074: AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes.



SΕ«rya is a utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the structure of smart contracts. It also supports querying the function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection and control flow analysis of contracts.

πŸ“˜ Controller

Files Description Table

File Name SHA-1 Hash
core/Controller.sol 66a9209d597b4d4ff528d72730cc3e25af33badc

Contracts Description Table

Contract Type Bases
β”” Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
Controller Implementation Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeSafe
β”” _isNotPartiallyPaused Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isNotFullyPaused Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isAuthorized Internal πŸ”’
β”” initialize External ❗️ πŸ›‘ initializer
β”” donate External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” setSystemPartiallyPaused External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyPartialPauser
β”” setSystemFullyPaused External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyFullPauser
β”” setFullPauser External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setPartialPauser External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setCallRestriction External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setOperator External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” refreshConfiguration External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setNakedCap External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” operate External ❗️ πŸ›‘ nonReentrant notFullyPaused
β”” sync External ❗️ πŸ›‘ nonReentrant notFullyPaused
β”” isOperator External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getConfiguration External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getProceed External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” isLiquidatable External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getPayout Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” isSettlementAllowed External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” canSettleAssets External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getAccountVaultCounter External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” hasExpired External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getVault External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getVaultWithDetails Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getNakedCap External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getNakedPoolBalance External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” _runActions Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _verifyFinalState Internal πŸ”’
β”” _openVault Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _depositLong Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _withdrawLong Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _depositCollateral Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _withdrawCollateral Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _mintOtoken Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _burnOtoken Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyAuthorized
β”” _redeem Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘
β”” _settleVault Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ onlyAuthorized
β”” _liquidate Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused
β”” _call Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘ notPartiallyPaused onlyWhitelistedCallee
β”” _checkVaultId Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isNotEmpty Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isCalleeWhitelisted Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isLiquidatable Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getOtokenDetails Internal πŸ”’
β”” _canSettleAssets Internal πŸ”’
β”” _refreshConfigInternal Internal πŸ”’ πŸ›‘

πŸ“˜ MarginCalculator

Files Description Table

File Name SHA-1 Hash
core/MarginCalculator.sol 3a4048d34b7a3cf47549e3e4d5b9712e23918f7f

Contracts Description Table

Contract Type Bases
β”” Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
MarginCalculator Implementation Ownable
β”” Public ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” setCollateralDust External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setUpperBoundValues External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” updateUpperBoundValue External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setSpotShock External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” setOracleDeviation External ❗️ πŸ›‘ onlyOwner
β”” getCollateralDust External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getTimesToExpiry External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getMaxPrice External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getSpotShock External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getOracleDeviation External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getNakedMarginRequired External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getExpiredPayoutRate External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” isLiquidatable External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getMarginRequired External ❗️ NO❗️
β”” getExcessCollateral Public ❗️ NO❗️
β”” _getExpiredCashValue Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getMarginRequired Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getNakedMarginRequired Internal πŸ”’
β”” _findUpperBoundValue Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getPutSpreadMarginRequired Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getCallSpreadMarginRequired Internal πŸ”’
β”” _convertAmountOnLivePrice Internal πŸ”’
β”” _convertAmountOnExpiryPrice Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getDebtPrice Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getVaultDetails Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getExpiredSpreadCashValue Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isNotEmpty Internal πŸ”’
β”” _checkIsValidVault Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isMarginableLong Internal πŸ”’
β”” _isMarginableCollateral Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getProductHash Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getCashValue Internal πŸ”’
β”” _getOtokenDetails Internal πŸ”’

πŸ“˜ PermitCallee

Files Description Table

File Name SHA-1 Hash
external/callees/PermitCallee.sol b98ff2a706037baaa339e0f86e309798092ad81e

Contracts Description Table

Contract Type Bases
β”” Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
PermitCallee Implementation CalleeInterface
β”” callFunction External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️

πŸ“˜ MarginVault

Files Description Table

File Name SHA-1 Hash
libs/MarginVault.sol 5f067b7b716b0645029104f6de80ba8dcd279418

Contracts Description Table

Contract Type Bases
β”” Function Name Visibility Mutability Modifiers
MarginVault Library
β”” addShort External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” removeShort External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” addLong External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” removeLong External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” addCollateral External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️
β”” removeCollateral External ❗️ πŸ›‘ NO❗️


Symbol Meaning
πŸ›‘ Function can modify state
πŸ’΅ Function is payable


πŸ“˜ Controller

Execution Graph

Controller Graph


Controller Graph

πŸ“˜ MarginCalculator

Execution Graph

MarginCalculator Graph


MarginCalculator Graph

πŸ“˜ PermitCallee

Execution Graph

PermitCallee Graph


PermitCallee Graph

πŸ“˜ MarginVault

Execution Graph

MarginVault Graph


MarginVault Graph


πŸ“˜ Controller

$ npx surya describe contracts/core/Controller.sol
 +  Controller (Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeSafe)
    - [Int] _isNotPartiallyPaused
    - [Int] _isNotFullyPaused
    - [Int] _isAuthorized
    - [Ext] initialize #
       - modifiers: initializer
    - [Ext] donate #
    - [Ext] setSystemPartiallyPaused #
       - modifiers: onlyPartialPauser
    - [Ext] setSystemFullyPaused #
       - modifiers: onlyFullPauser
    - [Ext] setFullPauser #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setPartialPauser #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setCallRestriction #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setOperator #
    - [Ext] refreshConfiguration #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setNakedCap #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] operate #
       - modifiers: nonReentrant,notFullyPaused
    - [Ext] sync #
       - modifiers: nonReentrant,notFullyPaused
    - [Ext] isOperator
    - [Ext] getConfiguration
    - [Ext] getProceed
    - [Ext] isLiquidatable
    - [Pub] getPayout
    - [Ext] isSettlementAllowed
    - [Ext] canSettleAssets
    - [Ext] getAccountVaultCounter
    - [Ext] hasExpired
    - [Ext] getVault
    - [Pub] getVaultWithDetails
    - [Ext] getNakedCap
    - [Ext] getNakedPoolBalance
    - [Int] _runActions #
    - [Int] _verifyFinalState
    - [Int] _openVault #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _depositLong #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _withdrawLong #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _depositCollateral #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _withdrawCollateral #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _mintOtoken #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _burnOtoken #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _redeem #
    - [Int] _settleVault #
       - modifiers: onlyAuthorized
    - [Int] _liquidate #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused
    - [Int] _call #
       - modifiers: notPartiallyPaused,onlyWhitelistedCallee
    - [Int] _checkVaultId
    - [Int] _isNotEmpty
    - [Int] _isCalleeWhitelisted
    - [Int] _isLiquidatable
    - [Int] _getOtokenDetails
    - [Int] _canSettleAssets
    - [Int] _refreshConfigInternal #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function

πŸ“˜ MarginCalculator

$ npx surya describe ./core/MarginCalculator.sol 
 +  MarginCalculator (Ownable)
    - [Pub] <Constructor> #
    - [Ext] setCollateralDust #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setUpperBoundValues #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] updateUpperBoundValue #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setSpotShock #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] setOracleDeviation #
       - modifiers: onlyOwner
    - [Ext] getCollateralDust
    - [Ext] getTimesToExpiry
    - [Ext] getMaxPrice
    - [Ext] getSpotShock
    - [Ext] getOracleDeviation
    - [Ext] getNakedMarginRequired
    - [Ext] getExpiredPayoutRate
    - [Ext] isLiquidatable
    - [Ext] getMarginRequired
    - [Pub] getExcessCollateral
    - [Int] _getExpiredCashValue
    - [Int] _getMarginRequired
    - [Int] _getNakedMarginRequired
    - [Int] _findUpperBoundValue
    - [Int] _getPutSpreadMarginRequired
    - [Int] _getCallSpreadMarginRequired
    - [Int] _convertAmountOnLivePrice
    - [Int] _convertAmountOnExpiryPrice
    - [Int] _getDebtPrice
    - [Int] _getVaultDetails
    - [Int] _getExpiredSpreadCashValue
    - [Int] _isNotEmpty
    - [Int] _checkIsValidVault
    - [Int] _isMarginableLong
    - [Int] _isMarginableCollateral
    - [Int] _getProductHash
    - [Int] _getCashValue
    - [Int] _getOtokenDetails

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function

πŸ“˜ PermitCallee

$ npx surya describe ./external/callees/PermitCallee.sol 
 +  PermitCallee (CalleeInterface)
    - [Ext] callFunction #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function

πŸ“˜ MarginVault

$ npx surya describe ./libs/MarginVault.sol
 + [Lib] MarginVault 
    - [Ext] addShort #
    - [Ext] removeShort #
    - [Ext] addLong #
    - [Ext] removeLong #
    - [Ext] addCollateral #
    - [Ext] removeCollateral #

 ($) = payable function
 # = non-constant function


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