Simple python scipt that can be used to review open cases as and open new cases. This is not a full featured script and still a work in progress
- AWS Python SDK Boto3
- Clone the repo
- Ensure your AWS IAM user has the approproate policy attached, "AWSSupportAccess"
- Ensure you have setup your AWS authentication credentials
Execute the file 'python'
Note what severity level you want, to view a list select option 3
Identify the Servie Code and Category Code you want, to view a list select option 4
- Output will save to file called 'describe-services.out'
- For example If I want to open a case for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) API's I'd look at
{ "categories": [ { "code": "apis", "name": "APIs" }, { "code": "vpn-solutions", "name": "VPN Solutions" }, { "code": "connection-issue", "name": "Connection Issue" }, { "code": "general-guidance", "name": "General Guidance" } ], "code": "amazon-virtual-private-cloud", "name": "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)" },
ServiceCode: amazon-virtual-private-cloud CategoryCode: apis
Now that you have your Severity, CategoryCode, and ServiceCode you're ready to open the case, select option 2 and fill out all information.
$ python
This script will allow you to list and open cases.
(1) View Open Cases
(2) Open a Case
(3) Describe severity levels
(4) List Services
>>> 2
Subject: Test Case
Service Code: amazon-virtual-private-cloud
Severity Code: low
Category Code: apis
Communication Body: This is a test case and can be closed.
Issue Type (customer-service / technical): technical
CC Email Address: [email protected]
('Test Case', 'amazon-virtual-private-cloud', 'low', 'apis', 'This is a test case and can be closed.', 'technical')
{u'caseId': u'case-XXXXXXXXXXXX-xxxx-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ResponseMetadata': {'HTTPStatusCode': 200, 'RequestId': 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'}}
- Modify output from "View Open Cases" to only show
- displayId
- subject
- severityCode
- timeCreated
- submittedBy
- status 1.1 Allow the user to expand on their view to see all corespondance.
- Add capability to update, modify status, and resolve from command line.
- Modify output of "Describe severity levels" to make it more screen friendly.
- Possibly move this option to only disply when opening a case.
- Modify output of "List Services" from file dump to display on screen.
- Would like to change this to menu driven where you select your Service Code first then select Category
- Possibly move this option to only display when opening a case.