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A simple text input for entering addresses using Google's Places API. You can try it out here!


react address autocomplete demo gif


Requires React 16 or later

npm install --save @alduncanson/react-address-autocomplete


yarn add @alduncanson/react-address-autocomplete


import React from 'react'
import './App.css'

import AddressInput from '@alDuncanson/react-address-autocomplete'

export const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className='App'>
      <header className='App-header'>
        <div style={{ width: '34%' }}>
          <AddressInput apiKey='YOUR API KEY' handleAddress={address => console.log(address)}/>

After you start typing, you can then navigate through the prediction list with your mouse or keyboard with and arrow keys and select your address by clicking or pressing the Enter key


  • style: Object - style object for the <input/> element
  • placeholder: String - input placeholder text. Otherwise defaults to 'Address'
  • handleAddress: Callback - a function that takes the selected address as a parameter and returns it as a string
  • apiKey: String - your Google Places API Key


Pull requests are welcome and greatly appreciated. As new as this module is, I am still working on setting up a proper contribution flow as well as making an actual build/bundling script to make helping out easier. If you have suggestions, submit them as an issue please :)