Authors : alain01,
- Added 4 new variants: morph, quartz, vapo, zephyr
- Updated bootstrap 4.6.1 librairies to bootstrap 5.2.3 librairies
- Updated several files at the root directoty
- Updating theme.tpl
- Updated Jumbotron (/tpl/jumbotron.tpl)
- Updated Slider (/tpl/slider.tpl) added new style to vertical slide for BT5 compatibility in new-style-bt5.css By default, horizontal slide
- Navbar
- The template (columns L & R, bloc L M R (Top, Bottom), Footer
- Admin Toolbar
- Blocs system "login": Done
- Blocs system "Main Menu": Done
- Other blocs system
- Pages module system
- Overloaded BT5 templates for the profile module
- Overloaded BT5 templates for the profile pm
- Other things...
Alain01 21/01/2023
xSwatch5 is a theme for XOOPS 2.5.11 that is based on Bootstrap 5.2.3
The default theme is based on Bootswatch Cerulean.
- Emphasis on better mobile experience
- Self hosted, with no off domain resources required
- Built in cookie consent
- Administrator toolbar with block edit feature
- Switch between light and dark theme based on media queries
Customize xSwatch:
25 themes in 1 theme (Preview : Bootswatch)
Dual theme light and dark media query responsive operation: Two files control which themes are used, tpl/xswatchCss.tpl and tpl/xswatchDarkCss.tpl. In the file tpl/xswatchCss.tpl, edit the bottom line to match the Bootswatch theme of your choice for use with prefers-color-scheme light media queries. By default, the line reads css-cerulean.
In the file tpl/xswatchDarkCss.tpl, edit the bottom line to match the Bootswatch theme of your choice for use with dark media queries. By default, the line reads css-slate. Your site will then follow the use's browser or OS preference to choose light or dark.
Single theme operation: Edit tpl/xswatchDarkCss.tpl and delete the line with the file name, and the theme will be locked to whatever theme is specified in the file tpl/xswatchCss.tpl. No consideration of prefers-color-scheme queries will be made. In the file tpl/xswatchCss.tpl, edit the bottom line to match the Bootswatch theme of your choice. By default, the line reads css-cerulean. To change to a dark theme, for example, change it to css-slate. You can pick from any of the 25 variations listed in the comments in tpl/xswatchCss.tpl
Customize the Navigation Bar in tpl/nav-menu.tpl and language/*/main.php to match your system and installed modules
Customize the Jumbotron in theme.tpl and tpl/jumbotron.tpl
Enable a slider in theme.tpl and tpl/slider.tpl
Customize cookie consent in tpl/cookieConsent.tpl, or disable include in theme.tpl
Customize or disable inbox alert in theme.tpl and tpl/inboxAlert.tpl
For best experience install both the PM and Profile modules
Customize xmnews block : for column blocks, copy xmnews_block_colonnes.tpl to xmnews_block.tpl (copy xmnews_block_lignes.tpl to xmnews_block.tpl to return to initial state)
Customize _css/my_xoops.css to add your css definitions and override Bootstrap definitions for the light variant or the unique variant
Customize _css/my_xoops_dark.css to add your css definitions and override Bootstrap definitions for the dark variant
In addition to templates for the modules included in XOOPS (pm, profile and system,) Bootstrap v4.4 templates are included for the following modules:
- contact - XoopsModules25x/contact
- extcal - XoopsModules25x/extcal
- newbb - XoopsModules25x/newbb
- obituaries - mambax7/obituaries
- publisher - XoopsModules25x/publisher
- tag - XoopsModules25x/tag
- tdmdownloads - XoopsModules25x/tdmdownloads
- wggallery - XoopsModules25x/wggallery
- xmcontact - GregMage/xmcontact
- xmcontent - GregMage/xmcontent
- xmdoc - GregMage/xmdoc
- xmnews - GregMage/xmnews
- xoopsfaq - XoopsModules25x/xoopsfaq
- Grégory Mage - xm modules templates
- Twitter Bootstrap - Bootstrap
- Angelo Rocha - xBootStrap
- Thomas Park - BootSwatch
- Silktide - Cookie Consent
- Klaus Hartl - js-cookie
- Alain01 - 25 themes in 1 theme + xmnews templates