The latest SecureABC AntiBody Certificates paper can be found at SecureABC.pdf. The authors welcome feedback and may be contacted by email using the details in the paper or by clicking the following link.
Changes to the paper are documented in the changelog.
This repository also includes a simple reference implementation (in Python3), and proof-of-concept, of the SecureABC AntiBody Certificate proposal. In particular we currently demonstrate the feasibility of our user certificates with a generation and verification script written in Python and a verification app written for Android.
To generate an example SecureABC QR code, run, and to verify run either or the Android application which is located in the SecureABCVerifier directory.
. Credentials, which can be displayed as standard QR codes, are signed using ECDSA over brainpoolP512r1 and comprise a user photo, name, a unique Certificate ID (CID) number and a validity period. Credentials are completely self-contained and can be verified offline, without interacting with the signer. Revocation is based on distributing revoked CIDs to verifiers.
Example credential verification using our demonstration application:
The requirements.txt file contains all dependencies.
To run the implmentation you can use the following commands
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt