A cryptographic virtual pet on your desktop (N.B. level of encryption not very high 😉 )
SpyPet is a mashup of two projects from the book "Computer Coding Projects for Kids": Screen Pet and Secret Messages. SpyPet sits on your desktop, blinking aimiably and looking like any other mild-mannered virtual pet. But a secret key combination reveals his hidden identity as a spy who can encrypt and decrypt secret messages to send to your friends.
- Moving the mouse over Screen Pet to "pat" him makes him feel happy.
- If you leave him too long without patting, he'll start to look sad
- Double-clicking will cause him to stick out his tongue and cross his eyes
- Hold down Shift and up-arrow keys to enter spy-mode
- Click cancel on the dialogue-box to return him to normal
The Tkinter simpledialog box for SpyPet appears in the default position in the middle of the screen covering his face as I've not yet got round to fixing it. You can just drag it over a bit though.
The encryption produced is a very simple transposition cipher. You might prefer something more secure.