S2S is a minimal VAL3 porting of the "S7_micro_client" class of the SNAP7 library (Copyright (C) 2013, Davide Nardella, http://snap7.sourceforge.net/).
S2S is an acronym for "Staubli to Siemens" (or "Siemens to Staubli" if you prefer!).
It allows the read/write communication from a Staubli Robotic Controller to a Siemens PLC over a standard ethernet TCP/IP connection, without the needs of a specific fieldbus.
S2S was written for version 7 of VAL3, it may work also for version 8...but it's quite useless to use this library on CS9 controllers.
In this repo you'll find a folder with an SRS cell with the library and some usage demos, and another folder with a full documentation in english.
S2S it's not an official Staubli product!
See documentation in this repository for further informations.