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ONLYOFFICE Docs for Kubernetes

This repository contains a set of files to deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs into a Kubernetes cluster or OpenShift cluster.



  • You must have a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster installed. Please, checkout the reference to set up Kubernetes. Please, checkout the reference to setup OpenShift.
  • You should also have a local configured copy of kubectl. See this guide how to install and configure kubectl.
  • You should install Helm v3. Please follow the instruction here to install it.
  • If you use OpenShift, you can use both oc and kubectl to manage deploy.
  • If the installation of components external to ‘Docs’ is performed from Helm Chart in an OpenShift cluster, then it is recommended to install them from a user who has the cluster-admin role, in order to avoid possible problems with access rights. See this guide to add the necessary roles to the user.

Deploy prerequisites

Note: When installing to an OpenShift cluster, you must apply the SecurityContextConstraints policy, which adds permission to run containers from a user whose ID = 1001.

To do this, run the following commands:

$ oc apply -f
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group scc-helm-components system:authenticated

1. Add Helm repositories

$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm repo add ingress-nginx
$ helm repo add stable
$ helm repo add onlyoffice
$ helm repo update

2. Install Persistent Storage

Install NFS Server Provisioner

Note: When installing NFS Server Provisioner, Storage Classes - NFS is created. When installing to an OpenShift cluster, the user must have a role that allows you to create Storage Classes in the cluster. Read more here.

$ helm install nfs-server stable/nfs-server-provisioner \
  --set persistence.enabled=true \
  --set persistence.storageClass=PERSISTENT_STORAGE_CLASS \
  --set persistence.size=PERSISTENT_SIZE
  • PERSISTENT_STORAGE_CLASS is a Persistent Storage Class available in your Kubernetes cluster.

    Persistent Storage Classes for different providers:

    • Amazon EKS: gp2
    • Digital Ocean: do-block-storage
    • IBM Cloud: Default ibmc-file-bronze. More storage classes
    • Yandex Cloud: yc-network-hdd or yc-network-ssd. More details
    • minikube: standard
  • PERSISTENT_SIZE is the total size of all Persistent Storages for the nfs Persistent Storage Class. You can express the size as a plain integer with one of these suffixes: T, G, M, Ti, Gi, Mi. For example: 9Gi.

See more details about installing NFS Server Provisioner via Helm here.

Configure a Persistent Volume Claim

Note: The default nfs Persistent Volume Claim is 8Gi. You can change it in the values.yaml file in the persistence.storageClass and persistence.size section. It should be less than PERSISTENT_SIZE at least by about 5%. It's recommended to use 8Gi or more for persistent storage for every 100 active users of ONLYOFFICE Docs.

Note: If you want to enable WOPI, please set the parameter wopi.enabled=true. In this case Persistent Storage must be connected to the cluster nodes with the disabled caching attributes for the mounted directory for the clients. For NFS Server Provisioner it can be achieved by adding noac option to the parameter storageClass.mountOptions. Please find more information here.

3. Deploy RabbitMQ

To install RabbitMQ to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq \
  --set metrics.enabled=false

Note: Set the metrics.enabled=true to enable exposing RabbitMQ metrics to be gathered by Prometheus.

See more details about installing RabbitMQ via Helm here.

4. Deploy Redis

To install Redis to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install redis bitnami/redis \
  --set architecture=standalone \
  --set auth.enabled=false \
  --set image.tag=5.0.7-debian-10-r51 \
  --set metrics.enabled=false

Note: Set the metrics.enabled=true to enable exposing Redis metrics to be gathered by Prometheus.

See more details about installing Redis via Helm here.

5. Deploy PostgreSQL

Download the ONLYOFFICE Docs database scheme:

wget -O createdb.sql

Create a configmap from it:

$ kubectl create configmap init-db-scripts \

To install PostgreSQL to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install postgresql bitnami/postgresql \
  --set auth.database=postgres \
  --set primary.persistence.size=PERSISTENT_SIZE \
  --set metrics.enabled=false

Here PERSISTENT_SIZE is a size for the PostgreSQL persistent volume. For example: 8Gi.

It's recommended to use at least 2Gi of persistent storage for every 100 active users of ONLYOFFICE Docs.

Note: Set the metrics.enabled=true to enable exposing PostgreSQL metrics to be gathered by Prometheus.

See more details about installing PostgreSQL via Helm here.

6. Deploy StatsD exporter

This step is optional. You can skip step #6 entirely if you don't want to run StatsD exporter

6.1 Add Helm repositories

$ helm repo add prometheus-community
$ helm repo add kube-state-metrics
$ helm repo update

6.2 Installing Prometheus

To install Prometheus to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install prometheus -f prometheus-community/prometheus

See more details about installing Prometheus via Helm here.

6.3 Installing StatsD exporter

To install StatsD exporter to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install statsd-exporter prometheus-community/prometheus-statsd-exporter \
  --set statsd.udpPort=8125 \
  --set statsd.tcpPort=8126 \
  --set statsd.eventFlushInterval=30000ms

See more details about installing Prometheus StatsD exporter via Helm here.

To allow the StatsD metrics in ONLYOFFICE Docs, follow step 5.2

7. Make changes to Node-config configuration files

This step is optional. You can skip step #7 entirely if you don't need to make changes to the configuration files

7.1 Create a ConfigMap containing a json file

In order to create a ConfigMap from a file that contains the local.json structure, you need to run the following command:

$ kubectl create configmap local-config \

Note: Any name can be used instead of local-config.

7.2 Specify parameters when installing DocumentServer

When installing DocumentServer, specify the extraConf.configMap=local-config and extraConf.filename=local.json parameters

Note: If you need to add a configuration file after the DocumentServer is already installed, you need to execute step 7.1 and then run the helm upgrade documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set extraConf.configMap=local-config --set extraConf.filename=local.json --no-hooks command or helm upgrade documentserver -f ./values.yaml onlyoffice/docs --no-hooks if the parameters are specified in the values.yaml file.

8. Add custom Fonts

This step is optional. You can skip step #8 entirely if you don't need to add your fonts

In order to add fonts to images, you need to rebuild the images. Refer to the relevant steps in this manual. Then specify your images when installing the DocumentServer.

9. Add Plugins

This step is optional. You can skip step #9 entirely if you don't need to add plugins

In order to add plugins to images, you need to rebuild the images. Refer to the relevant steps in this manual. Then specify your images when installing the DocumentServer.

10. Change interface themes

This step is optional. You can skip step #10 entirely if you don't need to change the interface themes

10.1 Create a ConfigMap containing a json file

To create a ConfigMap with a json file that contains the interface themes, you need to run the following command:

$ kubectl create configmap custom-themes \

Note: Instead of custom-themes and custom-themes.json you can use any other names.

10.2 Specify parameters when installing DocumentServer

When installing DocumentServer, specify the extraThemes.configMap=custom-themes and extraThemes.filename=custom-themes.json parameters.

Note: If you need to add interface themes after the DocumentServer is already installed, you need to execute step 10.1 and then run the helm upgrade documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set extraThemes.configMap=custom-themes --set extraThemes.filename=custom-themes.json --no-hooks command or helm upgrade documentserver -f ./values.yaml onlyoffice/docs --no-hooks if the parameters are specified in the values.yaml file.


Note: When installing to an OpenShift cluster, you must apply the SecurityContextConstraints policy, which adds permission to run containers from a user whose ID = 101.

To do this, run the following commands:

$ oc apply -f
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-group scc-docs-components system:authenticated

Also, you must set the securityContext.enabled parameter to true:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set securityContext.enabled=true

1. Deploy the ONLYOFFICE Docs license

1.1. Create secret

If you have a valid ONLYOFFICE Docs license, create a secret license from the file:

$ kubectl create secret generic license --from-file=path/to/license.lic

Note: The source license file name should be 'license.lic' because this name would be used as a field in the created secret.

1.2. Specify parameters when installing DocumentServer

When installing DocumentServer, specify the license.existingSecret=license parameter.

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set license.existingSecret=license

Note: If you need to add license after the DocumentServer is already installed, you need to execute step 1.1 and then run the helm upgrade documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set license.existingSecret=license --no-hooks command or helm upgrade documentserver -f ./values.yaml onlyoffice/docs --no-hooks if the parameters are specified in the values.yaml file.

2. Deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs

To deploy DocumentServer with the release name documentserver:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs

The command deploys DocumentServer on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Parameters section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Note: When installing ONLYOFFICE Docs in a private k8s cluster behind a Web proxy or with no internet access, see the notes below.

3. Uninstall ONLYOFFICE Docs

To uninstall/delete the documentserver deployment:

$ helm delete documentserver

Executing the helm delete command launches hooks, which perform some preparatory actions before completely deleting the documentserver, which include stopping the server, cleaning up the used PVC and database tables. The default hook execution time is 300s. The execution time can be changed using --timeout [time], for example:

$ helm delete documentserver --timeout 25m

Note: When deleting ONLYOFFICE Docs in a private k8s cluster behind a Web proxy or with no internet access, see the notes below.

If you want to delete the documentserver without any preparatory actions, run the following command:

$ helm delete documentserver --no-hooks

The helm delete command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

4. Parameters

Parameter Description Default
connections.dbHost The IP address or the name of the PostgreSQL host postgresql
connections.dbUser Database user postgres
connections.dbPort PostgreSQL server port number 5432
connections.dbName Name of the PostgreSQL database to which the application will connect postgres
connections.dbPassword PostgreSQL user password. If set to, it takes priority over the connections.dbExistingSecret ""
connections.dbSecretKeyName The name of the key that contains the PostgreSQL user password postgres-password
connections.dbExistingSecret Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL passwords. Must contain the key specified in connections.dbSecretKeyName postgresql
connections.redistHost The IP address or the name of the Redis host redis-master
connections.redisPort The Redis server port number 6379
connections.amqpType Defines the AMQP server type. Possible values are rabbitmq or activemq rabbitmq
connections.amqpHost The IP address or the name of the AMQP server rabbitmq
connections.amqpPort The port for the connection to AMQP server 5672
connections.amqpVhost The virtual host for the connection to AMQP server /
connections.amqpUser The username for the AMQP server account user
connections.amqpProto The protocol for the connection to AMQP server amqp
connections.amqpPassword AMQP server user password. If set to, it takes priority over the connections.amqpExistingSecret ""
connections.amqpSecretKeyName The name of the key that contains the AMQP server user password rabbitmq-password
connections.amqpExistingSecret The name of existing secret to use for AMQP server passwords. Must contain the key specified in connections.amqpSecretKeyName rabbitmq
persistence.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC to use. If not specified, a PVC named "ds-files" will be created ""
persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for ONLYOFFICE Docs data volume nfs
persistence.size PVC Storage Request for ONLYOFFICE Docs volume 8Gi
license.existingSecret Name of the existing secret that contains the license. Must contain the key license.lic ""
license.existingClaim Name of the existing PVC in which the license is stored. Must contain the file license.lic ""
log.level Defines the type and severity of a logged event. Possible values are ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, MARK, OFF WARN
log.type Defines the format of a logged event. Possible values are pattern, json, basic, coloured, messagePassThrough, dummy pattern
log.pattern Defines the log pattern if log.type=pattern [%d] [%p] %c - %.10000m
wopi.enabled Defines if WOPI is enabled. If the parameter is enabled, then caching attributes for the mounted directory (PVC) should be disabled for the client false
metrics.enabled Specifies the enabling StatsD for ONLYOFFICE Docs false Defines StatsD listening host statsd-exporter-prometheus-statsd-exporter
metrics.port Defines StatsD listening port 8125
metrics.prefix Defines StatsD metrics prefix for backend services ds.
example.enabled Enables the installation of Example false
example.podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the example pod rollme: "{{ randAlphaNum 5 | quote }}"
example.containerImage Example container image name onlyoffice/docs-example:7.1.1-2
example.imagePullPolicy Example container image pull policy IfNotPresent
example.dsUrl Documentserver external address. It should be changed only if it is necessary to check the operation of the conversion in Example (e.g. http://<documentserver-address>/) /
example.resources.requests The requested resources for the Example container {}
example.resources.limits The resources limits for the Example container {}
extraConf.configMap The name of the ConfigMap containing the json file that override the default values ""
extraConf.filename The name of the json file that contains custom values. Must be the same as the key name in extraConf.ConfigMap local.json
extraThemes.configMap The name of the ConfigMap containing the json file that contains the interface themes ""
extraThemes.filename The name of the json file that contains custom interface themes. Must be the same as the key name in extraThemes.configMap custom-themes.json
antiAffinity.type Types of Pod antiaffinity. Allowed values: soft or hard soft
antiAffinity.topologyKey Node label key to match
antiAffinity.weight Priority when selecting node. It is in the range from 1 to 100 100
nodeSelector Node labels for pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pods assignment []
docservice.podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the docservice deployment pods rollme: "{{ randAlphaNum 5 | quote }}"
docservice.replicas Docservice replicas quantity. If the docservice.autoscaling.enabled parameter is enabled, it is ignored 2
docservice.containerImage Docservice container image name onlyoffice/docs-docservice-de:7.1.1-2
docservice.imagePullPolicy Docservice container image pull policy IfNotPresent
docservice.resources.requests The requested resources for the Docservice container {}
docservice.resources.limits The resources limits for the Docservice container {}
docservice.readinessProbeEnabled Enable readinessProbe for Docservice container true
docservice.livenessProbeEnabled Enable livenessProbe for Docservice container true
docservice.startupProbeEnabled Enable startupProbe for Docservice container true
docservice.autoscaling.enabled Enable docservice deployment autoscaling false
docservice.autoscaling.minReplicas Docservice deployment autoscaling minimum number of replicas 2
docservice.autoscaling.maxReplicas Docservice deployment autoscaling maximum number of replicas 4
docservice.autoscaling.targetCPU.enabled Enable autoscaling of docservice deployment by CPU usage percentage true
docservice.autoscaling.targetCPU.utilizationPercentage Docservice deployment autoscaling target CPU percentage 70
docservice.autoscaling.targetMemory.enabled Enable autoscaling of docservice deployment by memory usage percentage false
docservice.autoscaling.targetMemory.utilizationPercentage Docservice deployment autoscaling target memory percentage 70
docservice.autoscaling.customMetricsType Custom, additional or external autoscaling metrics for the docservice deployment []
docservice.autoscaling.behavior Configuring docservice deployment scaling behavior policies for the scaleDown and scaleUp fields {}
proxy.gzipProxied Defines the nginx config gzip_proxied directive off
proxy.proxyContainerImage Docservice Proxy container image name onlyoffice/docs-proxy-de:7.1.1-2
proxy.imagePullPolicy Docservice Proxy container image pull policy IfNotPresent
proxy.resources.requests The requested resources for the Proxy container {}
proxy.resources.limits The resources limits for the Proxy container {}
proxy.livenessProbeEnabled Enable livenessProbe for Proxy container true
proxy.startupProbeEnabled Enable startupProbe for Proxy container true
converter.podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the converter deployment pods rollme: "{{ randAlphaNum 5 | quote }}"
converter.replicas Converter replicas quantity. If the converter.autoscaling.enabled parameter is enabled, it is ignored 2
converter.containerImage Converter container image name onlyoffice/docs-converter-de:7.1.1-2
converter.imagePullPolicy Converter container image pull policy IfNotPresent
converter.resources.requests The requested resources for the Converter container {}
converter.resources.limits The resources limits for the Converter container {}
converter.autoscaling.enabled Enable converter deployment autoscaling false
converter.autoscaling.minReplicas Converter deployment autoscaling minimum number of replicas 2
converter.autoscaling.maxReplicas Converter deployment autoscaling maximum number of replicas 16
converter.autoscaling.targetCPU.enabled Enable autoscaling of converter deployment by CPU usage percentage true
converter.autoscaling.targetCPU.utilizationPercentage Docservice converter autoscaling target CPU percentage 70
converter.autoscaling.targetMemory.enabled Enable autoscaling of converter deployment by memory usage percentage false
converter.autoscaling.targetMemory.utilizationPercentage Docservice deployment autoscaling target memory percentage 70
converter.autoscaling.customMetricsType Custom, additional or external autoscaling metrics for the converter deployment []
converter.autoscaling.behavior Configuring converter deployment scaling behavior policies for the scaleDown and scaleUp fields {}
jwt.enabled Specifies the enabling the JSON Web Token validation by the ONLYOFFICE Docs. Common for inbox and outbox requests true
jwt.secret Defines the secret key to validate the JSON Web Token in the request to the ONLYOFFICE Docs. Common for inbox and outbox requests MYSECRET
jwt.header Defines the http header that will be used to send the JSON Web Token. Common for inbox and outbox requests Authorization
jwt.inBody Specifies the enabling the token validation in the request body to the ONLYOFFICE Docs false
jwt.inbox JSON Web Token validation parameters for inbox requests only. If not specified, the values of the parameters of the common jwt are used {}
jwt.outbox JSON Web Token validation parameters for outbox requests only. If not specified, the values of the parameters of the common jwt are used {}
jwt.existingSecret The name of an existing secret containing variables for jwt. If not specified, a secret named jwt will be created ""
service.existing The name of an existing service for ONLYOFFICE Docs. If not specified, a service named documentserver will be created ""
service.annotations Map of annotations to add to the ONLYOFFICE Docs service {}
service.type ONLYOFFICE Docs service type ClusterIP
service.port ONLYOFFICE Docs service port 8888
ingress.enabled Enable the creation of an ingress for the ONLYOFFICE Docs false
ingress.annotations Map of annotations to add to the Ingress nginx, 100m Ingress hostname for the ONLYOFFICE Docs ingress ""
ingress.ssl.enabled Enable ssl for the ONLYOFFICE Docs ingress false
ingress.ssl.secret Secret name for ssl to mount into the Ingress tls
grafana_ingress.enabled Enable the creation of an ingress for the Grafana false
securityContext.enabled Enable security context for the pods false
securityContext.converter.runAsUser User ID for the Converter pods 101
securityContext.converter.runAsGroup Group ID for the Converter pods 101
securityContext.docservice.runAsUser User ID for the Docservice pods 101
securityContext.docservice.runAsGroup Group ID for the Docservice pods 101
securityContext.example.runAsUser User ID for the Example pod 1001
securityContext.example.runAsGroup Group ID for the Example pod 1001
webProxy.enabled Specify whether a Web proxy is used in your network to access the Pods of k8s cluster to the Internet false
webProxy.http Web Proxy address for HTTP traffic
webProxy.https Web Proxy address for HTTPS traffic
webProxy.noProxy Patterns for IP addresses or k8s services name or domain names that shouldn’t use the Web Proxy localhost,,docservice
privateCluster Specify whether the k8s cluster is used in a private network without internet access false
upgrade.job.enabled Enable the execution of job pre-upgrade before upgrading ONLYOFFICE Docs true
upgrade.job.image.repository Job by upgrade image repository onlyoffice/docs-utils
upgrade.job.image.tag Job by upgrade image tag 7.1.1-2
upgrade.job.image.pullPolicy Job by upgrade image pull policy IfNotPresent The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for deleting tables from the database remove-db-scripts
upgrade.existingConfigmap.tblRemove.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for deleting tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in removetbl.sql The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for craeting tables from the database init-db-scripts
upgrade.existingConfigmap.tblCreate.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for creating tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in createdb.sql
upgrade.existingConfigmap.dsStop The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the ONLYOFFICE Docs upgrade script. If set, the four previous parameters are ignored. Must contain a key ""
rollback.job.enabled Enable the execution of job pre-rollback before rolling back ONLYOFFICE Docs true
rollback.job.image.repository Job by rollback image repository onlyoffice/docs-utils
rollback.job.image.tag Job by rollback image tag 7.1.1-2
rollback.job.image.pullPolicy Job by rollback image pull policy IfNotPresent The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for deleting tables from the database remove-db-scripts
rollback.existingConfigmap.tblRemove.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for deleting tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in removetbl.sql The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for craeting tables from the database init-db-scripts
rollback.existingConfigmap.tblCreate.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for creating tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in createdb.sql
rollback.existingConfigmap.dsStop The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the ONLYOFFICE Docs rollback script. If set, the four previous parameters are ignored. Must contain a key ""
delete.job.enabled Enable the execution of job pre-delete before deleting ONLYOFFICE Docs true
delete.job.image.repository Job by delete image repository onlyoffice/docs-utils
delete.job.image.tag Job by delete image tag 7.1.1-2
delete.job.image.pullPolicy Job by delete image pull policy IfNotPresent The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for deleting tables from the database remove-db-scripts
delete.existingConfigmap.tblRemove.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for deleting tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in removetbl.sql
delete.existingConfigmap.dsStop The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the ONLYOFFICE Docs delete script. If set, the two previous parameters are ignored. Must contain a key ""
install.job.enabled Enable the execution of job pre-install before installing ONLYOFFICE Docs true
install.job.image.repository Job by pre-install ONLYOFFICE Docs image repository onlyoffice/docs-utils
install.job.image.tag Job by pre-install ONLYOFFICE Docs image tag 7.1.1-2
install.job.image.pullPolicy Job by pre-install ONLYOFFICE Docs image pull policy IfNotPresent The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the sql file for craeting tables from the database init-db-scripts
install.existingConfigmap.tblCreate.keyName The name of the sql file containing instructions for creating tables from the database. Must be the same as the key name in createdb.sql
install.existingConfigmap.initdb The name of the existing ConfigMap that contains the initdb script. If set, the two previous parameters are ignored. Must contain a key ""

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set ingress.enabled=true,ingress.ssl.enabled=true,

This command gives expose documentServer via HTTPS.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install documentserver -f values.yaml onlyoffice/docs

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

5. Configuration and installation details

5.1 Example deployment (optional)

To deploy the example, set the example.enabled parameter to true:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set example.enabled=true

5.2 Metrics deployment (optional)

To deploy metrics, set metrics.enabled to true:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set metrics.enabled=true

If you want to use nginx ingress, set grafana_ingress.enabled to true:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set grafana_ingress.enabled=true

5.3 Expose DocumentServer

5.3.1 Expose DocumentServer via Service (HTTP Only)

You should skip step#5.3.1 if you are going to expose DocumentServer via HTTPS

This type of exposure has the least overheads of performance, it creates a loadbalancer to get access to DocumentServer. Use this type of exposure if you use external TLS termination, and don't have another WEB application in the k8s cluster.

To expose DocumentServer via service, set the service.type parameter to LoadBalancer:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set service.type=LoadBalancer,service.port=80

Run the following command to get the documentserver service IP:

$ kubectl get service documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"

After that, ONLYOFFICE Docs will be available at http://DOCUMENTSERVER-SERVICE-IP/.

If the service IP is empty, try getting the documentserver service hostname:

$ kubectl get service documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}"

In this case, ONLYOFFICE Docs will be available at http://DOCUMENTSERVER-SERVICE-HOSTNAME/.

5.3.2 Expose DocumentServer via Ingress Installing the Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller

To install the Nginx Ingress Controller to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --set controller.publishService.enabled=true,controller.replicaCount=2

Note: To install Nginx Ingress with the same parameters and to enable exposing ingress-nginx metrics to be gathered by Prometheus, run the following command:

$ helm install nginx-ingress -f ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

See more detail about installing Nginx Ingress via Helm here. Expose DocumentServer via HTTP

You should skip step5.3.2.2 if you are going to expose DocumentServer via HTTPS

This type of exposure has more overheads of performance compared with exposure via service, it also creates a loadbalancer to get access to DocumentServer. Use this type if you use external TLS termination and when you have several WEB applications in the k8s cluster. You can use the one set of ingress instances and the one loadbalancer for those. It can optimize the entry point performance and reduce your cluster payments, cause providers can charge a fee for each loadbalancer.

To expose DocumentServer via ingress HTTP, set the ingress.enabled parameter to true:

$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set ingress.enabled=true

Run the following command to get the documentserver ingress IP:

$ kubectl get ingress documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"

After that, ONLYOFFICE Docs will be available at http://DOCUMENTSERVER-INGRESS-IP/.

If the ingress IP is empty, try getting the documentserver ingress hostname:

$ kubectl get ingress documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}"

In this case, ONLYOFFICE Docs will be available at http://DOCUMENTSERVER-INGRESS-HOSTNAME/. Expose DocumentServer via HTTPS

This type of exposure allows you to enable internal TLS termination for DocumentServer.

Create the tls secret with an ssl certificate inside.

Put the ssl certificate and the private key into the tls.crt and tls.key files and then run:

$ kubectl create secret generic tls \
  --from-file=./tls.crt \
$ helm install documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set ingress.enabled=true,ingress.ssl.enabled=true,

Run the following command to get the documentserver ingress IP:

$ kubectl get ingress documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"

If the ingress IP is empty, try getting the documentserver ingress hostname:

$ kubectl get ingress documentserver -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}"

Associate the documentserver ingress IP or hostname with your domain name through your DNS provider.

After that, ONLYOFFICE Docs will be available at https://your-domain-name/.

6. Scale DocumentServer (optional)

This step is optional. You can skip step 6 entirely if you want to use default deployment settings.

6.1 Horizontal Pod Autoscaling

You can enable Autoscaling so that the number of replicas of docservice and converter deployments is calculated automatically based on the values and type of metrics.

For resource metrics, API must be registered, which is generally provided by metrics-server. It can be launched as a cluster add-on.

To use the target utilization value (target.type==Utilization), it is necessary that the values for resources.requests are specified in the deployment.

For more information about Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, see here.

To enable HPA for the docservice deployment, specify the docservice.autoscaling.enabled=true parameter. In this case, the docservice.replicas parameter is ignored and the number of replicas is controlled by HPA.

Similarly, to enable HPA for the converter deployment, specify the converter.autoscaling.enabled=true parameter. In this case, the converter.replicas parameter is ignored and the number of replicas is controlled by HPA.

With the autoscaling.enabled parameter enabled, by default Autoscaling will adjust the number of replicas based on the average percentage of CPU Utilization. For other configurable Autoscaling parameters, see the Parameters table.

6.2 Manual scaling

The docservice and converter deployments consist of 2 pods each other by default.

To scale the docservice deployment, use the following command:

$ kubectl scale -n default deployment docservice --replicas=POD_COUNT

where POD_COUNT is а number of the docservice pods.

Do the same to scale the converter deployment:

$ kubectl scale -n default deployment converter --replicas=POD_COUNT

7. Update ONLYOFFICE Docs

It's necessary to set the parameters for updating. For example,

$ helm upgrade documentserver onlyoffice/docs \
  --set docservice.containerImage=[image]:[version]

Note: also need to specify the parameters that were specified during installation

Or modify the values.yaml file and run the command:

$ helm upgrade documentserver -f values.yaml onlyoffice/docs

Running the helm upgrade command runs a hook that shuts down the documentserver and cleans up the database. This is needed when updating the version of documentserver. The default hook execution time is 300s. The execution time can be changed using --timeout [time], for example

$ helm upgrade documentserver -f values.yaml onlyoffice/docs --timeout 15m

Note: When upgrading ONLYOFFICE Docs in a private k8s cluster behind a Web proxy or with no internet access, see the notes below.

If you want to update any parameter other than the version of the DocumentServer, then run the helm upgrade command without hooks, for example:

$ helm upgrade documentserver onlyoffice/docs --set jwt.enabled=false --no-hooks

To rollback updates, run the following command:

$ helm rollback documentserver

Note: When rolling back ONLYOFFICE Docs in a private k8s cluster behind a Web proxy or with no internet access, see the notes below.

8. Shutdown ONLYOFFICE Docs (optional)

To perform the shutdown, clone this repository and open the repo directory. Next, run the following script:

$ ./sources/scripts/ -ns <NAMESPACE>


  • ns - Namespace where ONLYOFFICE Docs is installed. If not specified, the default value will be used: default.

For example:

$ ./sources/scripts/ -ns onlyoffice

9. Update ONLYOFFICE Docs license (optional)

In order to update the license, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Place the license.lic file containing the new key in some directory
  • Run the following commands:
$ kubectl delete secret license
$ kubectl create secret generic license --from-file=path/to/license.lic
  • Restart docservice and converter pods. For example, using the following command:
$ kubectl delete pod converter-*** docservice-***

10. Run Jobs in a private k8s cluster (optional)

When running Job for installation, update, rollback and deletion, the container being launched needs Internet access to download the latest sql scripts. If the access of containers to the external network is prohibited in your k8s cluster, then you can perform these Jobs by setting the privateCluster=true parameter and manually create a ConfigMap with the necessary sql scripts.

To do this, run the following commands:

If your cluster already has remove-db-scripts and init-db-scripts configmaps, then delete them:

$ kubectl delete cm remove-db-scripts init-db-scripts

Download the ONLYOFFICE Docs database scripts for database cleaning and database tables creating:

$ wget -O removetbl.sql
$ wget -O createdb.sql

Create a configmap from them:

$ kubectl create configmap remove-db-scripts --from-file=./removetbl.sql
$ kubectl create configmap init-db-scripts --from-file=./createdb.sql

Note: If you specified a different name for ConfigMap and for the file from which it is created, set the appropriate parameters for the corresponding Jobs:

  • and existingConfigmap.tblRemove.keyName for scripts for database cleaning
  • and existingConfigmap.tblCreate.keyName for scripts for database tables creating

Next, when executing the commands helm install|upgrade|rollback|delete, set the parameter privateCluster=true

Note: If it is possible to use a Web Proxy in your network to ensure the Pods containers have access to the Internet, then you can leave the parameter privateCluster=false, not manually create a configmaps with sql scripts and set the parameter webProxy.enabled=true, also setting the appropriate parameters for the Web Proxy.

Using Grafana to visualize metrics (optional)

This step is optional. You can skip this section if you don't want to install Grafana

1. Deploy Grafana

Note: It is assumed that step #6.2 has already been completed.

1.1 Deploy Grafana without installing ready-made dashboards

You should skip step #1.1 if you want to Deploy Grafana with the installation of ready-made dashboards

To install Grafana to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install grafana bitnami/grafana \
  --set service.ports.grafana=80 \
  --set config.useGrafanaIniFile=true \
  --set config.grafanaIniConfigMap=grafana-ini \
  --set datasources.secretName=grafana-datasource

1.2 Deploy Grafana with the installation of ready-made dashboards

Сlone this repository and open the repo directory. Next, run the ./sources/metrics/ script, which will download ready-made dashboards in the JSON format from the Grafana website, make the necessary edits to them and create a configmap from them. A dashboard will also be added to visualize metrics coming from the DocumentServer (it is assumed that step #6 has already been completed).

$ ./sources/metrics/

To install Grafana to your cluster, run the following command:

$ helm install grafana bitnami/grafana \
  --set service.ports.grafana=80 \
  --set config.useGrafanaIniFile=true \
  --set config.grafanaIniConfigMap=grafana-ini \
  --set datasources.secretName=grafana-datasource \
  --set dashboardsProvider.enabled=true \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[0].configMapName=dashboard-node-exporter \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[0].fileName=dashboard-node-exporter.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[1].configMapName=dashboard-deployment \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[1].fileName=dashboard-deployment.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[2].configMapName=dashboard-redis \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[2].fileName=dashboard-redis.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[3].configMapName=dashboard-rabbitmq \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[3].fileName=dashboard-rabbitmq.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[4].configMapName=dashboard-postgresql \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[4].fileName=dashboard-postgresql.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[5].configMapName=dashboard-nginx-ingress \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[5].fileName=dashboard-nginx-ingress.json \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[6].configMapName=dashboard-documentserver \
  --set dashboardsConfigMaps[6].fileName=documentserver-statsd-exporter.json

After executing this command, the following dashboards will be imported into Grafana:

  • Node Exporter
  • Deployment Statefulset Daemonset
  • Redis Dashboard for Prometheus Redis Exporter
  • RabbitMQ-Overview
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • NGINX Ingress controller
  • DocumentServer

Note: You can see the description of the DocumentServer metrics that are visualized in Grafana here.

See more details about installing Grafana via Helm here.

2 Access to Grafana via Ingress

Note: It is assumed that step # has already been completed.

If DocumentServer was installed with the parameter grafana_ingress.enabled=true (step #5.2) then access to Grafana will be at: http://INGRESS-ADDRESS/grafana/

If Ingres was installed using a secure connection (step #, then access to Grafana will be at: https://your-domain-name/grafana/

3. View gathered metrics in Grafana

Go to the address http(s)://your-domain-name/grafana/

Login - admin

To get the password, run the following command:

$ kubectl get secret grafana-admin --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.data.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode

In the dashboard section, you will see the added dashboards that will display the metrics received from Prometheus.


ONLYOFFICE Docs for Kubernetes







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