- Read our guide to getting started
- Try our starter package to get up and running really fast
gem install jekyll
jekyll serve
- All the documentation should be pulled from each seperate repository and be included in this Jekyll-site like this:
<h4 class="c-toggle u-bg-settings" data-toggle-next> settings.default</h4>
<article class="c-article" data-hide>
{% capture settingsDefault %}
{% include /node_modules/settings.defaults/README.md %}
{% endcapture %}
{{ settingsDefault | markdownify }}
– A fork of inuit.css
According to Georgy A. Menovshchikov (Г. А. Меновщиков), the name Aleut comes from the Aleut word allíthuh, meaning "community."
Inuit.css introduced a block-element-modifier (BEM) and object-oriented framework for CSS. We love the work Harry Roberts and his collaborators have done with Inuitcss. Acknowledging their work, we want to take it a step further and make it easier for people to get up and running. Aleut adopts the ITCSS architecture.
- objects.tables
- objects.pack
- objects.media
- objects.list-ui
- objects.list-inline
- objects.buttons
- objects.box
- objects.block
- objects.tabs
- objects.list-bare
- objects.layout
- objects.flag
- utilities.spacing-responsive
- utilities.spacing
- utilities.clearfix
- utilities.paragraphs
- utilities.headings
- utilities.print
- utilities.widths
- utilities.widths-responsive
If you some reason need to download all the repositories, just run this script in the shell:
curl -s "https://api.github.com/orgs/aleutcss/repos?per_page=200" | ruby -rubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each { |repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'