Native Scala mocking.
For a preview of ScalaMock 3, see
def testTurtle {
val t = mock[Turtle]
t.expects.getPosition returning (0.0, 10.0)
def testFoldLeft() {
val f = mockFunction[String, Int, String]
f expects ("initial", 0) returning "intermediate one"
f expects ("intermediate one", 1) returning "intermediate two"
f expects ("intermediate two", 2) returning "intermediate three"
f expects ("intermediate three", 3) returning "final"
expect("final") { Seq(0, 1, 2, 3).foldLeft("initial")(f) }
As well as traits (interfaces) and functions, ScalaMock can also mock:
- Classes
- Singleton and companion objects (static methods)
- Object creation (constructor invocation)
- Polymorphic (type parameterised) methods
- Classes with private constructors
- Final classes and classes with final methods
- Operators (methods with symbolic names)
- Overloaded methods
Known limitations:
- No support (yet) for type-parameterised classes.
- No support (yet) for static methods defined in Java.
- No support (yet) for methods that take by-name parameters.
- Methods that take a single tuple argument are broken on 2.9.1 due to a compiler bug.
Download from Sonatype.
To use ScalaMock in sbt 0.11 with ScalaTest add the following to your project file:
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at
libraryDependencies +=
"org.scalamock" %% "scalamock-scalatest-support" % "latest.integration"
Install sbt 0.11 and then:
sbt generate-mocks
sbt test