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v2.2.0 "Norway"

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@alexandersimoes alexandersimoes released this 30 Mar 01:22
· 986 commits to master since this release

Bring Me To Your Language

In an effort to maximize our visibility on the increasingly international landscape of the web we've now added the current page's language to the URL. By explicitly stating the language of every page in the URL instead of relying on a user's session cookie we enable every page in every language to now exist as a separate URL. For example:

Ttile Former URL New URL (english) New URL (portuguese)
Profile of Protugal /profile/country/prt/ /en/profile/country/prt/ /pt/profile/country/prt/

This may sound redundant but the implications are not necessarily obvious. Previously if a user were to switch the language and send the link to a friend, that link would open in english, or if the friend had previously visited the site, whatever language they had set. Now search engines as well as users can link to a page in a specific language increasing the site's international reach.

Та монгол хэл мэдэх үү?

One more thing... we're excited to add a beta version of the site in Mongolian! Thanks to @Azjargalkhan for the help on the site translations. We say "beta" due to the fact that most of the translations for the product classifications have been done using Google Translate and these have been known to be problematic in the past. Do you speak Mongolian? Feel free to contribute using the links below:

HS Product Translations
SITC Product Translations
OEC Site Translations

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